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Ravenloft Bestiary - Monsters of the Dread Domain
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Anders &. N. O. J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/25/2018 17:24:32

The Ravenloft Bestiary is elegant in its simplicity. But a lot of work must have gone into converting and publishing all these monsters. This creature collection fits perfectly the style and mood of Ravenloft. Being familiar with the setting since its origins, I was surprised at how dark and scary many of these monsters are. One of the best things with the Bestiary is that it is very inspiring and gives you plenty of ideas - not just for simple encounters but for whole adventures.

A small thing I found negative was a number of grammatical / language errors that could easily be edited out, but this was no big deal as the text was always understandable and clear enough. Another thing that could further improve the book would be more illustrations, as there are hardly any - and illustrations are normally key for monster descriptions. On the other hand, this means your mind will paint its own images when you read the descriptions... This is better than having ugly or inappropriate illustrations, if you ask me.

All in all, this is a great supplement and a must have for any DM wishing to run 5E Ravenloft adventures. The book can breathe horror into adventures for years to come... I can highly recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ravenloft Bestiary - Monsters of the Dread Domain
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3,154,343 Eastern European Names
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Anders &. N. O. J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/25/2018 16:49:10

This is a very handy and useful list of names - and it is most fitting to use many Eastern European names for Ravenloft and Barovia in particular. Many of them just sound right and can be picked without any reworking. Perfect material for any DM - and even for players looking for an appropriate name in such a setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
3,154,343 Eastern European Names
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DMs Guild Creator Resource - Barovia Map
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Anders &. N. O. J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/25/2018 16:44:18

This map of Barovia is beautifully rendered. And importantly: it fits very well with the mood of Ravenloft and the adventure Curse of Strahd. It is inspiring!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DMs Guild Creator Resource - Barovia Map
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DMs Guild Creator Resource - Dragons Art
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Anders &. N. O. J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/25/2018 16:26:45

Always nice with art that can be used in the DM's Guild products. There are some quite good illustrations of dragons in here. Some pictures are perhaps of a more sketchy style, but this is a good addition.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DMs Guild Creator Resource - Dragons Art
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