As a fan of the first version of Darwin's World I was very happy. This version just rocked the d20 Modern-PostApoc genre. This is what a "GM's" book/Campaign Guide should be, full of great background, examples, locations, creatures... and all outside of the core book your players will be pouring through.
Providing both full and printer-friendly versions has always been a core of how RPGObjects does business, quality with the buyer in mind.
I was very impressed with this book, and all the other Darwin World books.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Brilliantly written, and great artwork too!<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
HOLY [CENSORED]!!! This book is a work of genius. The campaign advice and various articles on touchy subjects that make this thing up are priceless. Get it. NOW. This is definitely the best post-apocalyptic RPG out there by several orders of magnitude.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The upgrade to print option RPG Objects has. I'll definitely be taking advantage...<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
I am a GM and I cannot wait to run a DW2 Campaign. Great info and Ideas<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Lots of great Ideas<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Very good product. Its obvious that RPGObjects has improved quite a bit in the quality of thier work since "Blood & Space" was released. I highly recommend the Darwin's World setting as a Post-Apocolatic game.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
If only it wasnt d20! What a great game. To bad it will never be played by my group. Good ideas for the post apocalyptic settings though!<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
Part 2 of the Darwin's World book. I originally bought the Survivor's GD to see if I liked the game enough to buy the hardcover, but now I'm sold on PDF versions. I love that I can print out the players guide separately from the Campaign GD and let my players look at only the parts they need to see. As for the world, I've been looking for a post-apocalyptic game like this for many years. Gamma World was too Cartoonish for my tastes, Aftermath and Twilight 2000 too number-crunchy, I tried many others but Darwin's World is my favorite so far.
From a person who still has the ORIGINAL Gamma World. This is THE most complete post-apocalyptic game I have had the pleasure of reading. If you stop producing... I may have to have you Nuked! or worse! BZ (Navy for Great work)
What's here looks very good. Very detailed and well thought out. I just don't plan on using most of it :-). There's absolutely nothing wrong with it but I wanted to run my campaign back East, in Pittsburgh, like the old 2nd Ed GW game. I wish there was a bit more info on the Purple Desert and the Endless Ruins.
Still, if you plan on running your campaign on the West coast then the DW campaign guide is well set upfor that.
Most information is excellent; some aspects of setting far too dark for my tastes.
Darwins world has captured my imagination like no post-apocalyptic game since the early editions of Gamma World. A great buy, good production quality. Includes printer friendly pdfs as well as full color.
Normally, I purchase PDF's as an alternative to print products, but reading this has just whetted my appetite for the upcoming print release of Darwin's World. I have always been a sucker for post-apocalyptic settings, but this one is exceptional, particularly with the new conversion.
I could not wait for this to be released and i was not dissappointed at all. Anyone planning on GMing will find this to be very useful.
It is a good read, and full of info on Darwin's World. The installment plan of the total book is a great idea. It allows me, for instance, to gather information on the setting with out HAVING to have the d20 info. It also allows the purchase of the entire book in installments.
The book is well written and informative, and has some very nice aspects to it. Definitely worth the effort and expense as neither are very high.
i have been looking for a d20 game to emulate the antiquated palladium game, RIFTS, and i think i have found a winner here. darwins world is my bag baby! i would rate it a 9/10, but dont listen to me, try it yourself!