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Uncharted Worlds: Far Beyond Humanity $10.00
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Uncharted Worlds: Far Beyond Humanity
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Uncharted Worlds: Far Beyond Humanity
Publisher: Sean Gomes
by Jarrod H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2018 03:57:28

Great tool kit of new options that really rounds out the base game. A must have if you are going to play Uncharted Worlds.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Uncharted Worlds: Far Beyond Humanity
Publisher: Sean Gomes
by Chris F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/29/2017 20:35:53

Fantastic supplement. Tons of content, high quality, cool stuff. One of my only complaints with the original Uncharted Worlds was 'ok sure it can do Firefly, but can it do Star Wars?' I can do Jedi Knights, I can do bizarre technomancers ripping holes in the dimensional fabric to release elder terrors, you name it. There's stuff in here for 'elite' enemies (for the 'I need to challenge them' moments), 'holy crap' enemies (for the 'I need something to put the fear of god in them' moments), injecting space horror into your space opera, as well as all kinds of other awesomeness that I won't bother trying to list here. To summarize - Far Beyond Humanity is great.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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