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Nebin Pendlebrook's Bundle of Maps [BUNDLE] $14.97 $9.99
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Nebin Pendlebrook\'s Bundle of Maps [BUNDLE]
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Nebin Pendlebrook's Bundle of Maps [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Middle Kingdoms Adventure & Trading Co.
by Robert N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/28/2019 11:15:35

This is a great map set to use in combination with the adventure it's based on. Highly detailed maps. I've used these to run Nebin at cons and even with minis and terrain, I'm still able to run the adventuer in under 4 hours. I printed mine out and mounted on chipboard. You don't really need all of the maps to run the adventure. If you were going to cut some maps for printing, I don't think you need Nebin's house or the long part of the tunnel that leads to the first encounter. After that, most of the maps are useful.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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