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[WOIN] SolSpace: The Moons of Boria $14.99
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[WOIN] SolSpace: The Moons of Boria
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[WOIN] SolSpace: The Moons of Boria
Publisher: EN Publishing
by Ben B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/27/2018 11:01:15

I will note that my print copy came misprinted, but that is not the fault of EN Publishing and I have been properly reimbursed by DriveThru RPG, so I will not be changing my 5 star rating.

This book itself is amazing. Almost anything you want to know about Borians is in here, from their really interesting star system in a nebula to their society, language, how important crafting and apprenticeships are to them, items, legal info, more careers, star ships, why some Borians are red and some Borians are blue, and even how to talk in a Borian accent!

This book has definitely taught me that there is more to Borians than being "space dwarves" and I think I actually like the Borians more than I like Dwarves (and I like Dwarves)

This book is simply amazing and I wholeheartedly recommend it to any N.E.W. GM (even just the star system can give you ideas) or any player who wants to play a Borian, fantastic resource.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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