Need a good filler quest! Look no further. This was perfect for my adventures that were starting new adventure across and ocean to a new land. Worth every penny.
This adventure really does a nice job wrapping up all the loose ends to 4 adventure campaign. I recently ran this at a local Con and the players really enjoyed it. There is a pretty cool roleplaying scenrio in the middle of the adventure that you could add some flaover to if your players enjoy that kind of stuff. The final encounter is EPIC and you will have a blast running it. Your players will have a hard time figuring out the best way to proceed because there are just so many options to the scenrio or play around with during the encounter.
This is a great adventure. Your players will love the puzzles and you will enjoy running the fight scenrios. I don't want to spoil it, but the last encounter is not something you get to do very often in an adventure.
Do you want to run an introductory underwater adventure to learn the ins and outs of the rule set? THen this is the adventure for you. Great adventure!!! My players loved it and I also learn alot about the rules of running an underwater scenrio. Highly recommend!