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Witch Class: Cackling Guidebook for lonely Spellcasters Pay What You Want
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Witch Class: Cackling Guidebook for lonely Spellcasters
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Witch Class: Cackling Guidebook for lonely Spellcasters
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/21/2020 09:39:22

Originally posted here:

This PDF is 9 pages and $1.00 PWYW. There is no art but the layout is nice. 1 page for the title and 1 page for legal and changelog, bring the content down to 6 pages. This class is a full 20 levels, with spell casting to the 9th spell level ability.

This one is interesting since your "Source of Power" determines your spellcasting ability. You may choose Intelligence or Charisma. This witch is also a ritual caster. Logically it could be taken a step further and expand to Wisdom too.

Covens grant the witch some "secret spells" starting at the 2nd level and special powers. The Covens are Coven of the Beast, Coven of the Storm, Coven of Nature.

There is a list of spells, but no new spells. This is fine, no new spells were advertised.

Has some good points but I'd like to see it expanded a bit.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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