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Ankur: Kingdom of the Gods Player's Guide $9.99
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Ankur: Kingdom of the Gods Player\'s Guide
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Ankur: Kingdom of the Gods Player's Guide
Publisher: Mad Scribe Games
by James R [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/11/2023 07:05:57

I got to say, I absolutely love this setting. The amount of thought, effort and care put into this world is truly admirable. A lot of love was put into this. Everything makes sense and even things that shouldn't do. He made a Rubix Cube make sense and not seem out of place! The mythology, the scale, the uniqueness... so good! I'm not trying to gush (and I have not been paid to say this hah!), but I really get inspired by inspired writing and ideas and I love this. This game is an amalgam of Sword and Sandal with hints of Dune. You can't get any better than that for me. The art is amazing also, which really exemplifies the ideas being presented. I have not read the game mechanics in depth yet, though I know its a D12 roll under mechanic which seems simple enough. Anyway, I really recommend this game and tip my hat to Mr. Miller. Good job, my man!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ankur: Kingdom of the Gods Player's Guide
Publisher: Mad Scribe Games
by Benjamin P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/26/2017 11:55:39

Interesting setting, efficient rules set, clear respect for the source material. What more could you ask for?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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