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DDAL00-04 Winter's Flame (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Sam S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/28/2018 20:01:22

I found this adventure very easy and fun to run. I chose this module for new players who I knew favored roleplay over combat; compared to other adventures, there's little combat and it is low-risk with creatures who aren't aggressive. The game-booths are also very low stakes while providing the new players a fun way to use their skills and roleplay. This is a relaxed module which definitely fills its 2 hours with roleplaying the carnival games.

I was confused by the portals that go to Fort Beluarian. They are mentioned in the box text but not discussed again. I did not understand how they functioned within the module.

Overall, a light adventure filled with roleplaying which I found suited new players.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-04 Winter's Flame (5e)
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CCC-PDXAGE-02-01 The Dark Hunt
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Sam S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2018 13:39:08

My group had a lot of fun in the module. The encounters were varied and felt balanced. The story of uncovering the curse and fighting to end it created a mystery for the players.

Some possible adjustments: 1. I turned Shin's diary entry into a handout for the players to read rather than have it as box text. 2. As a two hour adventure, the players never needed a long rest, but they did do a short rest at the keep. They almost needed to save against the curse, so maybe if the module were changed to require a Wisdom save after any rest made in the keep. 3. Since Goodberry says specifically that certain spells can free people from the enchantment, I wanted the module to very explicitly say if those spells work in the final combat encounter. It does say the guards are "thoroughly charmed," but the players didn't try the spell until then.

Overall, good variety of enemy creatures to fight and NPC characters to RP wrapped up in a fun 2 hour story.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-PDXAGE-02-01 The Dark Hunt
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CCC-GHC-03 Facing the Dark
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Sam S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2018 12:55:59

This adventure is very simple. On its own, the adventurers follow a single path straightforward and have almost no NPC interactions. The simplicity of the adventure can be better for a newer DM, but might feel limited for a more practiced DM.

Since there is less story, the adventure is more combat-oriented. However, I found the combat lacking. When I ran this, we had a strong party. Most combats were adjusted to have two enemies, so encounters ended quickly having six players versus two monsters. Note: Not all creatures in the adjustments have their stat blocks included in the adventure.

As a standalone, I would recommend "Facing the Dark" for a newer DM still learning because it is easy to manage, but others might want an adventure with more content. I haven't seen the full campaign, so I can't speak to how this fits into the rest of the CCC-GHC arc.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GHC-03 Facing the Dark
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