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Daggerheart Open Beta Playtest
Publisher: Darrington Press
by Sean [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/21/2024 12:37:51

Ignore the haters. They're wrong. Yes, it does take cues from other RPG's, but they're exceptionally well executed and they all have specific useful purposes in the design.

This is a system that has a MUCH better ease-of-use than DnD 5e, and it's a much tidier system, without all the baggage the 5e system carries from previous editions. Combat is pretty quick and gratifying, at least at the low levels I've played. The Action Tracker system they use for initiative is a wonderful combination of more traditional initiative systems and the reactive-gm style of Powered by the Apocalypse games.

Overall, this is a brilliant synthesis of narrative systems and the campaign-oriented graded complexity of DnD and similar systems.

If you have any doubt, TRY PLAYING IT. Seriously, it's great.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Daggerheart Open Beta Playtest
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Publisher: Scrivened, LLC
by Sean K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/25/2019 17:44:55

"Wow" I said about a billion times, "I wish someone would do a sci-fi port of the D&D 5e rules."

And they did. And it was good.

And it's not just a direct port with no flavor, either. They did a great job of changing the things that needed it, and adding options and adaptability. My favorite feature is their rules for creating your own alien species, based on physical and cultural templates in different combinations. Their sci-fi versions of the classes look really good. Haven't tried them in play yet, but they look reasonably balanced.

The only thing I might want is a few more variations on weapons, and armor, but that can easily be adapted from other stuff.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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