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A Single, Small Cut is an extended encounter for Lamentations of the Flame Princess written by one of my favorite adventure writers, Michael Curtis.
The encounter centers around the Order of Kites. They are a religious order of heathen slayers made up of desperate men. They fight fire with fire and confiscate tools of deviltry and paganism to slay their foes. One such tool was the Red Bell which could summon a creature dubbed the Corrector of Sins.The bell was buried with the leader of the order that used it.
At the beginning of the adventure, an enterprising wizard heard the legend of the bell, gathered ruffians, and decided to pay the Order a visit. After killing the parishioners and order, he's decided to claim the tool as his own,
This is when the party arrives. They are met by one of the bandits in disguise (who is being supported by crossbowmen in the rafters). After a social encounter (that can turn violent) the villains and pc's are confronted by the Corrector.
I want to take a second to talk about the Collector of Souls. That's him on the cover. The beast is formed from the dead bodies found with 50 feet of it. It's a shambling abomination of mangled flesh and internal organs. The description includes mention of "flailing tendrils of human intestines terminating in snapping sphincters." If you were wandering where the LotFP weirdness came in, that's it.
The party seeks out the church, encounters the rogues, encounter the Corrector, seize and learn how to use the bell (?).
Like most LotFP adventures, the adventure is nominally set on Earth. However, change the references of Satanic to diabolic and you're good. For example if I were to set this in Faerun, I think the order would be fanatics of Helm. If I put it on Oerth, they would definitely be a faction related to Pholtus.
This is a great encounter and definitely worth the two dollar price tag.
Tales of the Scarecrow is a mini adventure/site for your Lamentations of the Flame Princess or other OSR games. If you think you'll ever play it, stop reading now.
Written by James Raggi, Tales of the Scarecrow clocks in at 10 pages (including front cover, table of contents, and the back cover).
The set-up is simple. The party will wonder through a cornfield, investigate a farm house, and then find themselves trapped. Beneath the cornfield is a eldritch grabboid-esque horror. Unfortunately the water and corn the players have access to will kill them, so the scenario becomes a test of creativity and survival.
This scenario has a lot going for it. The writing is fantastic and the premise is interesting. There are three really cool items. The first is a sword that can be a bane or boon. The second is a Book of Vile Darkness-esque blasphemous spellbook. Finally, there's the Tales of the Scarecrow, which is a storybook found on a desk. This is one of my favourite parts because it's the players chance to flex their weird and creative muscles. Players get to come up with the story of the scarecrow. Whoever creates the most interesting and/or dangerous gets an XP bonus and the scarecrow gets imbued with that power.
While it's short, this is one of my favourite LofFP releases because it really lets the player's creative energies flow. Also, the adventure has one of my favourite pieces of Flame Princess artwork. If you don't want to play in LotFP's early modern era setting, this can be placed in any setting really.
(Disclaimer, Venger did send me a review copy, but I'd already bought this before I got the review copy.)
Dead God Excavation is campaign starting adventure by Venger Satanis. It's written for Crimson Dragon Slayer, but because that's such an elegantly simple system, it's an easy one to convert to any variation of D&D. Thematically, I think it would be a great funnel adventure for Dungeon Crawl Classics. Change a few names (if you're using the early modern Earth setting) and it'd be a great way to start off a Lamentations of the Flame Princess game too. Thematically it would also be great for Astonishing Swordsman and Sorcerers of Hyborea.
The premise is phenomenal. A massive earthquake has revealed a a massive alien mausoleum in a kingdom. I mean if you want to kick off a campaign with a bang, this is how you do it. We are presented with several colorful characters, rumor and effect charts, new creatures, a series of encounters, and a dead great old one! Then again is it actually dead? Is it sleeping? I mean, we all know the quote...
After the adventure is over, we're given the effects of having an great old one under your kingdom, which includes some great follow up ideas.
If you play CDS this is a must. You get a great campaign starter, monsters, unique and powerful magic item, new spell, and new cleric rules. If you don't play CDS, you should still pick it up, because this is a well written adventure your players won't forget.
At two bucks this adventure is a steal.
This pdf is the perfect way to dive into superheroic action for Swrods & Wizardry Light. If you enjoy it check out Jonathan's other Light City releases.
I don't think Venger Satanis ever takes a break. His newest release is Player's Handbook Like A Fucking Boss.
What is this pdf? Essentially its thirty some pages of mostly system neutral material that is useful for any version of D&D or games like it. What we're given is a series of new rules, random charts, and suggestions to flesh out any sort of games with swords and magic. It really does fit the whole spectrum of these games too. The vorpal charts are over the top and metal as hell (while still being well designed). In contrast if you have a low magic game, The Art of Barding and Be the Best Cleric You Can Be To Cleric Like A Fucking Boss are excellent suggestions for doing your thing when you don't have a game full of Drizzt's and Raistlins. These two sections really fit well in OSR games.
As with all of Venger's books, the layout is fantastic, the art is top notch, and the random tables are ueful and interesting. If you like Dungeons and/or Dragons, you should pick this one up. Your players and DM will thank you.
This is not a fully detailed setting, yet it is much more than just an adventure. The pdf includes all the info you need to know about Santa Fe Starport (including why the characters don't just arrive and leave). In addition to the starport, the various communities and groups that carve out an existence in the irradiated remnants of the American southwest. Venger gives us plenty of random charts to keep things interesting and it means that honestly you could use this for multiple games and it's never going to be the same.
Content wise, this one is pretty offensive, especially for those that are too sensitive. This has more parody of real world politics and events than is typical for Venger's work. This is not a bad thing though. It's well written and works in context to this project. Also, like his previous work, this one is full of of references to movies. Of all of these, my favourite is the Demolition Man reference with the cantina.
While this is release was written for Alpha Blue, Crimson Dragon Slayer, and Venger's other games, the rules actually are secondary to the fluff. If you don't mind parody and crude humor, thisa a great tool kit for any post-apocalyptic game. If you like radiation, tentacles, mutant sex organs, or hashtags, you should pick this one up.
You should also download Venger's free minigame, Death Race: Fury Road.
If you want the best witch material for your gaming table you need to seek out the work of Timothy Brannan.
The witch is an occult caster that blends arcane and divine. Like all classes for Continual Light, the witch is seven levels. In addition to spells, the witch gains a familiar, access to ritual magic, the ability to brew potions, and ultimately an occult power based on their tradition. These traditions are light (good/law), dark (evil/chaos), and twilight (neutral/balance).
The class isn't the only thing included in the pdf though. We're also presented with seven new monsters that are associated with witches. Of these, my favourites are the winged cat and winged monkey. The monster section is followed by three pages of magic items (primarily brooms, cauldrons, and potions/oils/powders).
If you want some excellent, based on legend and tradition, witch material for your Swords & Wizardry Light game, you definitely need to purchase this.
This (and some dice) are all you need for all sorts of one-shot slasher adventures. What's not to love? The art is great, the text is tight, and the concept is great.
The high priest of Cthulhu, Venger Satanis, has another fantastic stand alone game that comes a warmer color. I was provided with a review copy.
Blood Dark Thirst is a new rules light game of vampiric awesomeness. System-wise it uses the V6 system that all of Venger's other games use, which is really cool because his other horror releases, particularly The Outer Presence, A Green Jewel They Must Possess, and His Flesh Becomes My Key, can serve as good inspiration for Blood Dark Thirst adventures. I already have some ideas for a certain green jewel.
Character creation is really simple, but makes a lot of sense. You pick some things you're good at and some things you're bad at. If you're good at something you roll 3 dice, if you're bad at something you get 1. For everything else, 2 is the standard. You also pick three flaws which come into play during certain instances. Other than that you flesh out who you are, how you act, and when you were turned.
Actions play out just like they do in Alpha Blue and Venger's other games. The difference here is that you're a vampire which comes with cool powers, immunities, and unfortunately drawbacks. The powers are pretty interesting. All vampires get the classic strong/fast/charming abilities, but then you get unique powers every level. My favourite is the aptly named Subspecies which lets you make little demons like Radu from the movie of the same name. Other vampiric rules you might expect from a vamp game (such as vampiric slaves and blood bonds) are here too.
The pdf ends with a short outline introductory scenario. The party all reside in the same rundown house (which I imagine is a lot like the house in What We Do In the Shadows). They find a note from a high ranking vampire in the city telling them to get the fuck out. Is it real? Is it a prank? Do they flee? Do they kill the bastard before they can have him killed? That's up to you and your group.
The artwork is appropriate and appealing. I have a thing for blasphemy, so I love the monstrous nun on the cover.
If you can't tell, I really like Blood Dark Thirst and I think you will too. Do you want to play a game that lets you relive your glory days of classic Vampire: The Masquerade but without all of the overdone metaplot? Never played a vampire game, but have always wanted to be Michael or David from The Lost Boys? This is the game for you.
Liberate Tutemet Ex Infernis...
Save Yourself From Hell is the newest adventure byVenger Satanis for Alpha Blue. I was provided with a review copy and now I'm going to tell you scruffy nerf herders what's up. The title is a reference to one of my favourite sci-fi and horror movies, Event Horizon.
Like most Alpha Blue releases, Save Yourself From Hell starts with a few new rules. We get a new official profession rule. Basically characters can pull of a cool non-game/story breaking profession and related stunt without rolling. They get the ability back when when they roll Satan (triple sixes) or do something that is both over-the-top awesome and in-character. The second new rule is about emotional trauma and re-opening old wounds (a theme of the adventure). This isn't something I've thought about in the sometimes silly and absurd universe of Alpha Blue, but it's a cool addition and adds depth. Character can verbalize their inner trauma and steal the spotlight. I dig the idea.
The basic premise is the characters must travel to the Hell's Cluster and reach the Eye of Asmodeus to find out what happened to a starship. None of these things sound perilous, right? In the adventure you will find a mix of crazy incidents, movie homages (which let's be honest is one of the big reasons we love Venger's work), space truck stops, horrific encounters, kung-fu madness, and the dread lord Cthulhu! Seriously, one of the headings is "Shooting Lasers With Cthulhu." Oh and there's Sir Matey. He is one of my new favourite npcs. I'm a cat guy. Sue me.
The pdf is 20 pages long and will probably only take a session if your group is the "shoot first, who needs backstory" type. However, if you've got roleplayers that really like to dig into things, the adventure will take multiple session. Some aspects of this adventure feel more like Venger's work for The Outer Presence, than Alpha Blue. Still, it has a nice amount of the sleaze and sci-fi goodness we've come to love and expect from Alpha Blue. You should buy Save Yourself From Hell asap.
Battle for the Purple Islands is the newest release from Venger Satanis. It's written for Venger's games (like Crimson Dragon Slayer and Alpha Blue) and can be used with just about any D&D-ish system with minimal effort. I've read through it a few times and it's a blast.
The adventure centers around a courier needing to deliver a hologram message to a hermit that lives in a mountain located on the Purple Islands. Depending on the system your playing the character could be the couriers (if playing Alpha Blue) or they could be captives of cannibals alongside the courier. The players need to escape the cannibals, avoid intelligent ape patrols, make it up the mountain, and deliver the message to.... H.P. MF'ing Lovecraft. Oh, but that's not all kiddies. In addition, players must escort the master of the macabre to a museum with his work, avoid a sinister snake man, and stop purple cultists from nuking the island and turning everyone in to Lovecraftian monstrosities!
Pros: The adventure is a gonzo hex crawl and the Purple Islands are an unforgettable setting. You like something, the Purple Islands has it or can with little-to-no explanation. Grindhouse-style cannibal tribes? Check. Talking apes with machine guns? Check. Lovecraftian monsters out the wazoo? Triple check. Killer juggalos? They were mentioned in the first excursion to the Purple Islands, not this one, but still... check! Though the setting is on a fantasy world, reality's boundaries are thin and you can add whatever the Hell you want.
Do you like references and homages in your games? Venger sure does. There are some pretty obvious ones like A New Hope and Cannibal Holocaust, but there are some you might glance over, like Ghostbusters.
Finally, like all of Venger's works, this one is full of random tables to keep things fresh and interesting, including a Land of the Lost roll as you go hexcrawl chart with 100 entries.
Cons: You're going to really want The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence if you're running this. Now I don't think that's a bad thing. Quite to the contrary I love that book, just saying if you have this one, you're probably going to need that one.
Final Verdict: If you've ever wanted to do a Lovecraftian version of "Vincent and the Doctor" mixed with a little Planet of the Apes and a bloody dollop of Cannibal Holocaust. this is the adventure you've been waiting for.
If not, what's wrong with you?
You've got to give it to Venger Satanis, he definitely knows how to get your attention with his advice books. His newest is Adventure Writing Like A Fucking Boss. I was given a pdf copy and I'd like to share my thoughts.
First I'll talk about the physical aspects of the pdf. It is 13 pages (10 that give advice). The cover has a bad ass dragon. There are three pieces of art in the book, which give a you a good sample of the art style in Venger's books. The text is in a standard two column layout with the occasional sidebar. As a final note, there are several random tables, because let's be honest, this wouldn't be a Kort'thalis Publishing product without them.
But I know you're asking, what about the content? It's very practical. To sum up and paraphrase the book, if you want to write adventures like a fucking boss you have to think of yourself as a movie writer and director with an unlimited budget. Obviously there's more to it than that and Venger gives us plenty of exposition and insight into the deeper workings of the process, but ultimately that comparison is very fitting. While the pdf isn't long there is no wasted text. Every example and tip Venger gives is insightful.
I don't write adventures. I honestly don't think I've ran D&D without a module in years. Venger's advice makes me want to change that. I want to take a stab at writing an adventure (perhaps Rumspringa in Space! for Alpha Blue). To me that is a sign that the book does what it sets out to do.
Want to add Transformers to your Pathfinder or Starfinder game? It's probably not something you've thought about, but now that I've mentioned it, you're kind of interested, right? No? To each their own. However, if your answer is yes, Epic Races: Adapticons has got what you need.
The pdf is 25 pages (including front and back cover, a page of advertisements, three pages of OGL). It gives you everything you need to play a transfor... adapticon in Pathfinder (or soon Starfinder). The book starts with history and origins of the race. To be honest, if I added them to my game I'd probably just straight lift all of that from Transformers. That being said, the background isn't a bad one.
In game terms the designers created the race emulating racial creation rules from the Advanced Race Guide. Adapticons are "multi-formed constructs" which means they have the construct and shapechanger subtype. They are large and get bonuses to Str, Wis, and Con, while getting penalties on Dex and Cha. They get an alternate vehicle form, though there are also options to have a metallic animal form, or even not being able to transform. There are Pathfinder favored class options and two racial archetypes (Spybot and Transporter). While these are cool, I kind of wish this pdf had came out a little later and we could have seen Starfinder racial archetypes (assuming the game has them). Note that adapticons do use vehicle rules which are found in Ultimate Combat. We get a new vehicle (dwarven dozer), nine feats (metamagic and racial), and several bits of new equipment (some magical, some technological).
Overall, I think this is a fun pdf. It's not a must have by any means, but it's still really cool. The race isn't overpowered and due to its size and actually has some rough drawbacks (beware of rust monsters).
To be honest, I mainly picked it up because I thought it would be cool for Starfinder, and I hope the pdf gets an update once that book comes out. That being said, this is a solid and unique addition to any Pathfinder game.
I recently grabbed the pdf Something Stinks In Stilton in the very awesome ConTessa 2017 Bundle of Awesome. While I've definitely not had time to run the adventure yet, I've read through it a few times and am looking forward to running it one of these days.
Written by Oli Palmer, Something Stinks in Stilton is a 30 page adventure written for Lamentations of the Flame Princess, but honestly is compatible with any version of D&D witha little work. Like most LotFP adventures it takes place in the early modern era of Earth. You won't find dwarves and elves, but you will find English folk with a healthy fear of what the Church can do.
Here's the premise:
In the 13th century, Stilton produced amazing cheese. Then the Church came and suddenly the cheese trade died out. Now it's 1730 and the village of Stilton has started producing great cheese again.
The adventure feels like a classic LotFP adventure. There's definitely weirdness and some magic, but no big rewards for players. Much like a Lovecraft story, we're presented with a group of odd rural folk with a big secret that taints those around them. I don't want to spoil the story but so I won't go into details about it.
There's a lot to like in this one. There's an interesting backstory, a quirky cast of characters, and reality warping magic. The pdf has a nice layout too. Important info and or potential character actions are bolded in red. The adventure has a clear timeline and an advice section labeled "Help, the PCs decided to..." Player's never do what's expected, so this is particularly handy.
If you're a fan of Lamentations of the Flame Princess and you want a short adventure with some rural creepiness and perhaps a bit of dark humor, Something Stinks in Stilton is a good choice.
Once again, James Raggi has blown me away with his Free RPG Day offering. The book is a 48 or so page hardcover that's in a delightful purple. Like all LotFP releases the book is in a digest size and does a great job of making the most of all space. All inside covers are full. The front inside covers present new weird magic rules. They are presented for magic-users only (which I've read might be because the next version of LotFP might not include the cleric as a basic class). Whether the next edition does or not have clerics, the magic rules presented still make arcane magic a reality warping and dangerous force. The spell's power is determined by the caster and have potentially dangerous consequences if miscast. The Author's Notes discuss the LotFP approach to Free RPG Day (which is the best hands down btw). After the author's note we're given a three page Magic Primer that further expounds on weird magic and what magic should be. While it isn't long, it's a wonderful treatise on the arcane. It also discusses that while these spells can only be cast by women (in this definition those that can have children), the core rules contain magic research rules which could make versions of these spells access able to other casters.
Then we get into the meat of the book: 20 weird spells. These spells are brutal, which makes sense because they're all named after metal tracks. Each spell is also accompanied by a beautiful/disturbing/funny full page illustration. One of the things that really draws me to these spells is the story behind them. These bits of exposition give the spells some sort of logic (whether they're true in your game or not). My favourites are probably Mistress of the Bleeding Sorrow, Transylvanian Hunger, (and because I'm pretty messed up) Goat Perversion. Please note that the spells in this book can, will, and should affect your game. That's the point of magic. It warps reality. Because magic, that's why.
The book also contains a list of people (like me) that helped crowdfund it and the back inside cover is a list of metal tracks that would make good spells.
A final note about the book, I love the cover and the model, Riina Himanen. There are a few pictures of her in the book and it's cool to see some fantasy modeling.
If you haven't downloaded Vaginas are Magic! do it asap. You won't regret it (unless you're easily offended or squeamish).