This is a ruleset-neutral system for generating Dieselpunk-style settings, either randomly or by choosing between various options. Dieselpunk, for those unfamiliar with the term, is the aesthetic of the 1930's to the 1950's, where the Diesel engine ruled supreme over the real world and the Rocketship (and Raygun!) over the science-fiction imagination.
The product serves as a source of inspiration for creating setting and adventures along the lines of an 1930's comic book or 1940's space-pulp tale. There are approximately 20 1d6 rolls, each giving you six detailed options, such as what superscience technology exists and what stars and planets you can go to. Each option is detailed and well-written, well-built to spark your imagination.
I would have loved to see a more detailed discussion of the Dieselpunk genre in term of concrete rules, using one or more rulesets, such as stats for the various technologies presented here, but this product is excellent in helping you build an imaginative retro-sci-fi setting.