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The Fall of Whitecliff
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The Fall of Whitecliff
Publisher: Coldlight Press
by Michał Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/22/2022 15:28:44

This module is great. Everything you need or even less. Each sentence builds the NPC, environments, etc. in my mind. My first adventure after very long break. I ran it online with random group and it was great.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Fall of Whitecliff
Publisher: Coldlight Press
by Arne H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/03/2019 13:33:42

This module kicks some major butt. A small, tightly focused setting that drips with atmosphere and several hooks or developments that can be tied together in various ways? Count me in. I just love the way the surroundings come to life when one reads through all this, how you make connections between two or three details mentioned across several pages and think "Oh, so that's going to happen if the players to this... " On top of that there are several maps, notes on how to expand the adventure, trasure generators, monster tables... it really is a full package, which I've rarely seen on this scale with a privately made PWYW module.

One major flaw though is the jumbled layout on all pages with maps. Since any available space on those pages is packed with various text and notes, it makes it very hard to grasp the actual adventure, especially during play. I mean, come on, even without any skills and only a basic word processor you can do something that is a lot more easy on the eyes. In addition, the stats provided for major NPCs aren't nearly interesting enough to warrant the inclusion, I feel nobody would have been upset if instead there were links to the PFSRD. This is however not enough of a problem to detract from the really cool adventure that lies behind it all, and I can only recommend that every GM gives this one a chance.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Fall of Whitecliff
Publisher: Coldlight Press
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/23/2017 00:49:32

This publication deserves some love. For a PWYW price, you get 8 or so interconnected adventures, with each adventure condensed into a one-page format - into this one page is a map, barebones states of monsters/NPCs and a brief overview of the plothooks, storyline, and encounters. In addition, a few more pages are devoted to a fleshing out the campaign - a map of the region, GM notes, campaign backstory, etc. In all, there's about 14 pages of content and the content is jam-packed into those pages in shorthand form. A few more pages provide some useful tables (wandering monsters, treasure, etc.) and some pregen characters. It's a lot of product for PWYW. The overall tone of the campaign is gritty and lower fantasy, which I personally appreciate. The campaign is written for Pathfinder but provides a conversion guide for other systems (5E and OGL). Due to the condensed nature of the publication, I foresee that the GM will have a little work to do to flesh everything out.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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