This is a nice product. Though it is missing a few of the important race traits, like Half-Orcs: Savage Attack.
[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
ThanX for the review. Savage attacks are not coded this way, it is coded directly in the weapon itself. This is explained in the instructions of the module. I can 100% assure you that EVERY SINGLE code is, in fact, contained within the module. There are none that are missing. If one seems to be missing, it is because it doesn't require coding or it is done in some other manner (as savage attacks is) and is explained in the instructions.
I hope you will RECONSIDER your 2-star rating.
The FG 5E Race Trait Effects coding was just what I was looking for and was pointed toward it from the FG College. I highly recommend it as I was thinking I would have to do all the coding myself for the effects not included in the 5e PHB.