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The Puppeteer $5.00
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The Puppeteer
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The Puppeteer
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tristan B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/22/2020 10:33:07

Excellent concept. Been looking for a puppeteer class for 5e. I have been studying this class for a little over a month now, looking for issues. I can't find anything major. It is not an easy class to play. This is a fantastic support class. Being able to operate in multiple locations simultaneously can be very helpful to a party. It is a glass cannon class though. It only has a d6 hit die and no armor proficiencies. Though a d8 would be preferable, espcially with no armor proficiencies, I understand that this is to keep it balanced. The point of this class is that the puppets fight for you. I would recommend having another party member keep an eye on the puppeteer in case enemies single them out. The Collector is the standout archtype, imo. Being able to craft puppets from fallen enemies is a really cool trait. My only critique is that it should explicitly say that the challenge rating of the puppet equals your puppeteer level (I beleive it is implied in the Q&A, but not stated in the class).

I made a maestro and a collector for one-shots and I really enjoyed them. I would recommend this class to anyone looking for a puppeteer or puppet master class or someone looking for something a little different. Can't wait to play a full campaign with this class. It is something unique to play and for other players to interact with. Totally worth the $5 price tag!! Well done!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Puppeteer
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Anthony m. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/30/2019 12:33:03

Definitly not for a newbie to D&D as you have to be pretty good with the rules. However, if you're decent with 5e you can pick this up pretty quickly. The main character class is great and makes you really feel as if you are a puppet master, working from the shadows and helping your teammates on the front lines. All the Archtypes really give you tons of flavor to play your class as they are just enough different from each other but you still feel the puppeteer vibes. Highly Recommend this pickup

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Puppeteer
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Libedrator E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/10/2018 13:54:55

13 pages of awesomenes! if you are a DM and you want a literal puppet master villain this is the product for you! its still good for players too!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Puppeteer
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Michael E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/06/2018 08:22:45

Absolutely brilliant take on the puppeteer class. Currently DM'ing a campaign and had a player want to play a puppet master style class, and this hit on that beautifully.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Puppeteer
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Khương L. V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/07/2017 00:00:09

Informative Trust me, this class is well balanced and very enjoyable. Can't find any other puppeteer-class can compare to this product. 5$ for a well-round tactician that can manipulate the battle field, suitable for many situations, hmmm, shut up and take my money ^^!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Puppeteer
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jacob H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/19/2017 20:26:41

Simply speaking, as someone who has played this class, i find it to be most enjoyable. The fact that you can have your own creations and have them fight whilst you kind of stay back has been my play style for multiple games, the fact that you sacrifice armour, weapons and ASIs is, I believe, a good thing, as you have chosen this class to run with the intent that, you DO NOT go into battle yourself, your puppets are the extension of your character in a fight and any other encounter.

My DM and I (Kris) were searching for a puppeteer class for a solid couple days, looking through the homebrew fan wiki, until we came accross this, immedietly i fell inlove with it and said "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!". Truly the creator used this as a passion project, those who have a problemwith it, can tweak it. The game of D&D is not always a perfect thing that is balanced or hell, makes sense, but that is what it's about. The idea of D&D is to create. This class and the concepts are grreat and i can't wait to keep playing with my character Wytheral XD!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Puppeteer
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tyler B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/16/2017 22:41:44
It requires you to use your ASI to acquire feats to get armor & weapons better then simple just for put on your puppets. I tried to talk to the creator and let them know what about the flaw but instead of talking about solution it was that would break the balance or be OP. I see potential, but do not buy this class. If you do i would recommend allowing puppets to wield and wear armor even if magical(as long as it doesn't require attunement). Change Nimble level 5 ability to Extra Attack and at level 2 add, if your puppet takes the attack action, a puppet can make one weapon attack as a bonus action. Those are the some changes that should be made if the creator doesn't come up with good solution. For those that think giving armor & weapon to puppets is OP, you have to use your action to attack with them and once the enemy realizes the person 30 feet away(which is the distance you can control a puppet, goes up to 60 at higher levels) is control the puppet or two, they going to ignore the fakes and attack the real problem. Now it is possible to be Throw Voice(ventriloquism, look at minor illusion to get an idea how it works) within 30ft but that has a DC but the great thing about this class is that the DC is Dexterity + Prof + 8. But heres the thing, these are not leaving creatures and do not get attacks of opportunity and can't give sneak attack to rogues. They, while considered constructs, can't do anything without a puppet master. The ability Automaton can do a little without the puppeteer, i gave an suggestion for 1 minute the puppet acts on it own completely but once used you need to complete a rest to do so again. Love the idea, i really do but i can't support a weaken class that relies on feats and only gives 5 ASI, maybe if they gave it more ASI but until a reasonable solution is found, i giving this a 2. Not the worst but not worth the 5 dollars.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hello, just the creators here, sorry to see you so dissatisfied with what we see as a well-balanced class. Others who might be concerned with some of the reviewer's points, please see the discussion section to see our response to some of those concerns. Just a clarification with regards to the comment about sneak attack with a rogue. Puppets are considered constructs the reviewer is correct, but according to the PHB on page 96, the rogue can gain sneak attack if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it. The puppet counts as an enemy, construct or not. In addition, the class gives 6 ASI advancements, one at 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level. In addition, there have been some modifications to the tinkerer archetype with regards to magical weapons and armor, now soldier puppets can equip magic armor and weapons that do not require attunement without a module. You still need to be proficient with any armors or weapons to avoid any penalties associated with equipping them on your puppets per the standard PHB rules. Thank you.
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