My last review mistook these for a mini product I had purchased. I used these counters in my City of Heroes trial run with my saturday group and they thought they looked good. The final analysis is the same as my last review: they look cool and are a nice, easy to carry, and inexpensive alternative to miniatures use.
They look pretty cool and the price is right. I used a couple of these in a sci-fi gaming session and the players commented that they were okay for paper-minis. I'd say download the set and see how you and your group like them. You may have to adjust print size depending upon your scale. If you are tired of spending a lot of cash on plastic minis these will give you a nice alternative.... and you can make as many as you need, when you need them.
Old school maps at a low, low price. Great for crawls/grinds or for adding that extra side adventure to an existing dungeon. A little bit campy but solid. I've used sections of these maps and a few full maps from the supplement and was satisfied. It is a time saver.
If you need a map quick, this is a good supplement. The artwork is servicable and worth the money if you prefer to spend your time fleshing out NPCs rather than generating rooms. I used the supplement in a few pickup/trial game sessions and to run short side encounters. Sure, you could probably scratch out something servicable on your graph paper pad or using a paint program, but pressing "print" saves time better spent scaling the encounters.
I found the art easy to work with. The time savings you gain by using this depends upon your need for covers but I found this product useful and worth the money. Even if you modify the heck out of the art for final production, it provides an easy "plug and play" method of generating quality covers quickly. - I have 6 of these collections and have various covers from each used in up-coming product offerings. The only down-side is your products look very similar to other publishers works (since many people are using these) and you need to Mod like crazy to create a clearly differentiable "branding" of your work... because many people judge an e-book by it's cover.
I found the art easy to work with. The time savings you gain by using this depends upon your need for covers but I found this product useful and worth the money. Even if you modify the heck out of the art, it provides an easy "plug and play" method of generating quality covers quickly.
I found the art easy to work with. The time savings you gain by using this depends upon your need for covers but I found this product useful and worth the money. Even if you modify the heck out of the art, it provides an easy "plug and play" method of generating quality covers quickly.
Useful information but sparse. If you already have a handle on the Pulp era treatment of Asian crime syndicates then this supplement will have little useful information for you. I was able to acquire more information freely through internet searches in an hour than this PDF provides. There was a lack of particulars ( name a particular - any particular) in the descriptions of the individual villains and organizations outlined in the PDF. This work should serve only as a starting point and very, very basic introduction into the Oriental villain concept. I bought it, honestly, because I am a completist and have the rest of the TT line, I like the idea but don't recommend this as a supplement for DM/GM use - I have not used a single idea from this PDF in my gaming since the day I read it. If you are an enthusiast of Pulp adventure gaming as a player, then make your own judgement.
Fully fleshed and ready to roll! The setting is mutable and can accomodate a variety of gaming styles and material. It is a big help for those of us running DCC adventures as it (obviously) provides a wealth of background and mood elements for the series. It reminded me of my gaming roots (early 80's D&D) and I found it easy to integrate my old modules and newer adventures into the setting. My gaming group was pleased to have a more well-defined history for their characters to relate to and, over all, it serves it's purpose pefectly. I run several simultaneous gaming groups and having a distinct base to distinguish the DCC group from my others has been a huge help.
I like the idea of low/no magic campaigns and this book provides a great methodology for implementing the option. Rather than simply discarding magic completely from an existing system, the manual provides a setting mechanic that not only explains how to pull it off reasonably and believably but still keeps the game interesting. The only potential downside is that you need a group that is willing to give it a try. This sounds simple but magic is a big part of traditional FRPG systems and many players will find this sytem more demanding than they are used to. If your group leans on magic items and has adjusted their gaming styles to suit, you may want to run this on a try-it-then-buy-it basis, between camapigns or story-arcs.
Nice for the price (free) if you have a desire to release your own "1st-edition-ADD-like" products. Useful if you want a glimpse into the tangled roots of the RPG genre. However, if you are planning to simply run some old school campaigns or adventures, I'd suggest purchasing the "real deal" manuals from the WoTC section of this site.
With only slight modifications, this manual can be used regardless of which setting (or edition) you are partial to. It provides a framework in which you can create just about everything you need for a great adventuring area with the added benefit of reminding you of things you may have otherwise forgotten. IT IS HELPFUL IF YOU HAVE PLAYED 2nd EDITION D&D BEFORE YOU USE THIS... simply because this is the context in which it was written. With that said, IMO, it is one of the best purchases a homebrewing DM/GM can make and for the price is a "no brainer" to put in your cart.
Good: Very well presented and consistent world. Intriguing plot/theme and interpretation of the RPG experience. A wealth of options and plot hooks for the PCs and the DM. Nice art that fits the mood of the setting and starts the gears turning in your gaming head. It was a very rewarding purchase and at the price point it is a great buy whether you run it or just mine it for ideas.
Bad: It is so different that I had a hard time "buying in" initially. The players had less difficulty immersing themselves in the setting- but this is certainly not a "typical" d20 setting! Be prepared to redefine your methods if you run this with a group that has spent a great deal of time in another setting.
DM prep work: If you like the setting, and want to run a Midnight campaign, I'd suggest creating a handout or background presentation piece for the party. By explaining it in terms of Tolkien and Orwell references and showing some of the setting art and maps to the group it ran well. I spent the first session pitching the setting and laying it out before character creation.
Nice format, wonderful fiction, after a few pages you forget that it's not a physical book. I enjoyed the plot development and story line. I'd recommend the product as a great value... essentially you get 3 hard to find books for the cost of one. I have no complaints about this PDF.
Very easy to use, well written, and interesting treatment. Not quite as elegant or broad in scope as some other "Heroes/Supers" settings but certainly playable and enjoyable for fans of the computer based game. It was only the quickplay version, so a bit brief, I'll probably stick to Champions for myself.