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Deadball: Baseball With Dice
Publisher: W.M. Akers
by Michael D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/26/2017 20:59:24

I will preface my review by saying I played both Dungeons and Dragons and Brett Ball (a baseball board game endorsed by George Brett) in the 80s, to give you an idea of my background. I bought this game based on the reviews, and the hopes that I could have a fun baseball simulation to tide me over in the off-season. Thanks to the ease of adapting rosters, I played my first game between the 1927 Yankees (possibly the greatest team of all time) against the 1985 Braves (one of the worst teams of all time). I knew I had a fantastic game when the Braves managed to get Rafael Ramirez (a lifetime .230 hitter, maybe) to third, only to get him thrown out at home on a botched bunt by Rick Mahler. Babe Ruth managed to strike out twice and go 0-4 with a walk in the game, despite his .358 average. Dale Murphy (the Braves All-Star and 2-time MVP) managed 0-5 despite his .300 average and league-leading 37 homers. My starters got tired, my relievers struck out the side, and a few players hit into double plays. In short, it felt like a real baseball game with all of the ebbs-and-flows without any of the "gimmicks" you find in video game simulations of baseball. I highly recommend this game for anyone with RPG experience (and a set of dice) who loves the history of baseball.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Deadball: Baseball With Dice
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