Subtitled 'A Game Masters Guide to Asatania', this work sets out to provide all that you need to know to run the Crashing Chaos campaign: setting background, loads of NPCs and outlines of all eight adventures that go to make up the campaign.
It opens with an inspiring appeal to the potential GM, that their primary role is to make the setting come alive for the players, forging connections between player and character, and character and world. This work will aid tremendously, providing a clear sense of the world in which the adventures take place and of the sometimes subtle relationships between the NPCs the party will encounter. It's not just about a series of adventures, or even an ongoing story, it's about inhabiting a shared alternate reality that, for the duration of play, ought to feel real to those playing the game. This has always been what I've tried to create at my table, and it is quite delightful to find it spelled out so clearly.
There is an overview of the entire Asatania concept, a linked series of story arcs of which Crashing Chaos is but the first. This consists of four story adventures and four side-adventures (which are optional as far as progressing the main plot, but recommended for those after the full experience). Notes on timings and on different ways of awarding experience - the conventional points for killing and looting, or by milestones achieved - are included. Indeally, characters should be no more than 6th level by the completion of Crashing Chaos (or they will be a bit overpowered for the next bit).
We then start delving into the ancient history of the setting, with wars between elves and demons some two thousand years ago... wars which by now have faded to mere myth and legend in most people's minds. Wind forwards to the present and we find ourselves in the Farasene Imperium, the dominant nation on the continent of Tere. Last summer, they suffered a series of raids by strange humanoids from over the sea. Over the winter, when the raids ceased, the Imperium prepared to defend itself by forming an army. That army is mustering in a coastal town called Bray's Bay and the campaign opens with the characters travelling in that general direction for whatever reason they choose to come up with.
Next come the adventure outlines, followed by information to aid you in advising the players on character creation. Magic, for example, is unknown, yet that should deter anyone wanting to play a spell-caster. They may have the full powers of their chosen class, they just have never let on to those around them what they can do. Religion, on the other hand, has a strong influence on society despite the gods having a very hands-off approach, neither answering prayers nor speaking to the faithful. Notes on the races available (most of the core ones apart from dragonkin, tieflings, and half-orcs) are followed by a run-down of the places where each is found, to help in creating a backstory for each character that brings him to the point at which the first adventure begins.
We then settle down to a more detailed survey of the campaign setting, with a note that further campaign guides may be published as the party travels further afield. A delightful conceit is the way in which the constellations in the night sky reflect events in the story that will be told. There's information on all aspects of life from the calendar and major festivals to the sort of jobs people have, coinage, trade, education and even the Imperium's foreign policy. Then there is a vast array of vividly-portrayed NPCs. Each one comes with notes on how to play them, stat blocks and loads of background... and even the Emperor himself is there although it's unlikely that the characters will meet him (yet). There is also an indication of which adventures each NPC may turn up or otherwise be referenced in. Their appearance is described and many are illustrated. It makes for an excellent resource.
Finally, there is information on religion and deities, and on the raiders - known as Kan Demons (because they are believed to come from the mythical continent of Kan far over the sea). Overall, this is an excellent preparation for running this campaign and all GMs should have a copy and study it well.