Product is excellent. From the trained eye of an experienced DM, there's almost too many spells but that's never a bad thing as many of these can be awarded to the party as scrolls, turned into potions or alchemists tinctures, or other magical items.
I do wish every spell had the school listed after it. It's not traditionally important, but for characters like the Arcane Trickster, or for Wizard specialties, it would help draw the eye to what's wanted. That's not a sour enough issue that I'd remove a star, I rate what IS in the book and not what isn't in there.
From a formatting standpoint, I kind of wish there wasn't so much blank space between the school and the spell parameters, but that's aesthetics and not balance or anything. And that's all I can criticize the product on which should tell you this is a product that is well crafted, edited, laid out, and in general is worth your money.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for your kind words, Bryan! Let me try to address the issues you raise.
Each spell does indeed have the school listed, under the spell name in the main text. I assume you look for it in the class lists in the first couple of pages. In my formatting, I stick to "the 5e way," which unfortunately doesn't that.
Speaking of formatting, I intend to take another look at the spacing between the title and the text. Thanks for giving me something to tweak for the "B" volume! =) |
Much like the summer book from the same author, this book is exactly what one would want from a book with "Aurora's Whole Realms" in the title.
A book full of "useless" items (in actually, all items excellent for role-play), and checking it against my TSR book, it's not just an "updated for 5e" copy/paste of the old content.
Super book, great price!
The 50 templates found within will certainly change up your monsters (although I personally find they really work well for NPCs more than monsters), and the few example creatures at the end are nice, but I dislike the focus on statistics over narrative. There's no narrative content contained within this book, where giving little examples of how to use these would've been appreciated not because the DM can't figure it out but because it would break up the content to make it easier to consume.
I would also have loved to see a chart or index, giving the name and page of each template as well as a chart showing the XP change when increasing a CR. The CR adjustments I see in here all seem to be relatively following the DMs Guide but any instance of damage I would have reworded. For example:
Overhead Strike, triggers opportunity attacks from creatures within 5ft who are not prone. Deals an extra xd8 damage. X is equal to 1 + half of the creature’s challenge rating (rounded up). If the target is prone, it deals an additional 2d8 damage.
To me, that 2d8 could be super significant at lower levels and I'd instead suggest something like "this deals an extra die of damage, or two extra dice of damage against prone targets". Although I don't consider that a deal breaker. Oh another recommendation: remove the word "new" from everything. "New Ability" "New Reaction"... templates are designed to add new things, this is just an extra word that isn't needed.
Overall though, totally worth the price.
A fantastically assembled product. The art and layout are well done (look at that cover, it's great) and while it doesn't adhere to the WOTC design, it's very easily readable. The content is great, with each chapter outlining various patrons, their power sources, and how being beholden to that patron changes your phyiscal and mental states. The invocations at the back are nice, although honestly not entirely exciting.
It's a 5 star product, and I won't judge it by what it lacks, but I would have liked to see a small selection of new spells (after all, this is a Warlock compilation and they DO cast spells) but I think overall, the supplement doesn't suffer by lacking them either.
Solid book with very specific spells, a single feat (that I personally wasn't a fan of, but it's good), and some information like portals that go all over Waterdeep for use by the Watchful Order. A solid book that I want a physical version of to hand to my players.
Perfect companion to the already filled in cards also available from the author, for those magic items that are custom!
The author has released three sets of monster cards. Small cards, for creatures like wolves or bears. Medium cards for monsters with a lot of rules like dragons or beholders. Finally we have these Tarot sized cards for the creatures with REALLY big stat blocks. I prefer that he releeased them this way, it seems to make more sense but these require lamination as they don't fit into any sleeves.
Adding to the magical items cards are these extras for your general consummable items. They're worth it (50 cents is hardly breaking the bank) but I would rather have seen the author put these into the original pack.
If your party has a druid, you'll want these. Better than bookmarks sticking out of your MM.
A fun prop to have. Not essential, but fun.
One thing I do not recommend is doing what I did: create all your treasure bundles and have the chests where players can see them. If there is even one left, they'll scour every room because they think they missed something. It LOOKS and SOUNDS cool, but it's just a drag.
Of all the templates/cards from the author, this is my favourite and the one I use the most. Protip: Laminate the players ones so you can change their numbers easily.
I use both Theater of the Mind as well as a grid, depending on the tactical options available to my players. When on a grid, these are a godsend.
A great companion to the small monsters block cards!
A great set, just make sure to grab the blank template for adding monsters too!
Useful more as an addendum product to the monsters already created by this author in another product. After all, you're not going to re-print the whole Monster Manual in this way when it basically already exists. But, especially if you have many monsters not in the Monster Manual, these are essentialy to keep that ball rolling!