I picked this product up last year in preparation for a low magic campaign I was going to DM. Back when 5e came out I did a low magic, no monsters, only humans campaign and I remember the worst part was coming up with NPC stats. As a DM I enjoy creating complex plots, twists and npcs while at work, lunch, commuting or any time my mind may wander for a bit, but I have precious little time to actually write down crunchy bits like the dreaded foe stats. Imagine my horror back in september 2014 when all I had was some npc stats on the back of Basic.
Wanting to avoid facing that nightmare again I picked this and many other products with ready made NPC stats last year, and I have to say this one left a lasting impression! It's packed to the brim with interesting NPC stats! Not only boring but statisticaly correct , but actual interesting ones. Many of these npcs have interesting actions and reactions mirroring concepts from the player's archetypes, like the defender's Goading Attack (target had disadvantage to attack anyone except the npc), the relentless fighter's Warrior's Fortitude (~chuckles~ similar to that annoying zombie ability!), or the paladin's Holy Weapon (nothing kinda scares a player so much as seeing a very obvious player ability on the hands of the opposition. The typical faint unease of understanding opponents abilities are custom-made, that keeps players a bit on the defensive when facing a new monster or npc, is switched to pure dread horror when they recognize a player ability being used, because they know exactly how powerful they are!). Even better many of them work on a recharge (like the performer's Fire Breath), leaving much of the required turn to turn tactics left to the dice, which some might not enjoy but is a real boon for DMs such as myself.
I've been very happy with this product, as it provided me no shortage of interesting foes that help me keep the illusion that most of the foes are varied and custom made! 6/5!