The Mutants and Masterminds Superlink license allowed many companies to produce material for it. As always, Adamant brings a high quality of product to the table. ATA1 supplements the base M&M material with both time-saving measures for those who are looking to use it more efficiently, and new material for those wanting to extend the base game. The format is that of a "magazine" type of supplement, something that I think the e-format is extremely well suited for.
The first few pages are taken up by several thorough characters, detailed, with vivid art and several options for where individual campaigns can take them. My favorite is the Cybercorps, who remind me of the Reavers (villains from 1990s X-Men titles), particularly the hook that might permit them to return from their crazed mercenary killer ways to normal life. This would be a fun scenario for any group of heroes to face.
There's a page of very basic new powers, nothing spectacular, more to "fill the gaps" in M&M's base system than anything else.
A couple of new archetypes follow. I think these are very undervalued by the M&M community, since they provide quick and easy ways for people who don't want to dig around in the character creation section and want to get started fast. I like the Charmed Scrapper a great deal, it reminds me of martial arts heroes of the 70s/80s.
An interesting plot hook in the form of a decentralized network of super-technological kitbashers is presented...I would almost rather have seen this expanded into its own work! The role of gadgets/technology in comics is well explored, but something that puts a human face on it and centers challenges around it is hard to come by.
A location and linked scenario are presented, surrounding a mysterious island and an alien who seeks a powerful hero to save his home planet. Pretty good, though very straightforward, stuff.
An article about team formation is very helpful (much of this would eventually make its way into the ICONS RPG, where it was also quite good.)
Although ATA didn't last as long as the postscript indicated it was planned to, this issue is full of solid material and for the now-ridiculously-low price tag, you absolutely cannot miss it.