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Honor Among Thieves
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Honor Among Thieves
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Erin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/27/2023 16:39:49

Overall, Winghorn puts out fun adventures and Honor Among Thieves is no exception. It was a thoroughly enjoyable time for me and for my players. I like that their pdfs immediately lay out important stats: player level, expected game length, difficulty, theme and setting. It's an easy read, and also fairly easy to play with little prep. I also like the suggestions it gives on how to handle different scenarios that might arise during game play, depending on your player's choices. I never felt like I was caught off-guard. It's very clear they know the game and how players think (as much as such a thing can be known, lol).

On the downside, maps. The maps in the pdf are very small (a third to a quarter of the page), are marked for the GM (spots you don't want the players to see before it's time to reveal those secrets), and are in the middle of the text, making them impossible to simply extract from the pdf for printing or uploading to a VTT. As well, when you screenshot them, the small size means they get quite pixelated when enlarged for VTT play. Yes, it's perfectly possible to create your own maps, but enough publishers are including usable maps--either at the end of the pdf, as a separate file, or with a link to their website (which is an excellent way to direct me to your website, btw!)--that the lack of them becomes an annoyance.

I also wish that more publishers (including this one) included information on how to scale up encounters, if your players are a little too high-level or OP for the adventure, but you want to play it anyway. I'm sure long-time DMs can do it without even thinking hard, but for newer DMs it's a very nice thing to have attached to an adventure.

Again, though, it's a very fun adventure and, given how inexpensive the Winghorn games often are, it's still fully worth the price for a simple, good-time one-shot.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Honor Among Thieves
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Nathan T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/17/2021 19:43:06

I'm goanna break my usual strategy and review this one after reading it, rather than running it. It... just doesn't appeal to me, sorry.

The "Gentleman Thief" story hook is brilliant (because what do PCs care about if not their stuff?), but everything else? No exploration, investigation, or real roleplay just a couple fights with some rogues. Maybe my opinion will change after running it someday - I've been doing a lot of oneshots at the FLGS - but for now it's just not what I expected based on the many Winghorn Press adventure I've read/run.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Honor Among Thieves
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/09/2021 16:38:48

A nice simple one-shot (or in my case two-shot) for when your PCs are spending some time in town. My players had a great time and did classic heroics including leaping from a 4th floor window onto a galloping horse in pursuit of an escaping gang leader! I tweaked the enemies to scale it up as I feel it's a bit too easy as written (my PCs were 3xL6 with magic items), and used a different house map to tie it to a location they were already familiar with. I'd definitely recommend this if you're looking for a quick filler adventure, as it's a short read and simple enough that you'll be able to run it after one readthrough on the fly.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Honor Among Thieves
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Will H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/17/2019 17:10:35

Another great adventure from Winghorn. Both times I've run this, I dispense with the 'Gentleman thief' and make the party the catspaws of a much more sinister and brutal organisation. Whether they do it for money or for something else The Syndicate offers, the party are the heavy hitters that the group can lay their hands on at the moment. Causes a nice bit of tension with the good PCs :D Good combat, a little on the easy side for the suggested CR, but a decent urban adventure you can flesh out and tailor to your own.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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