The changes to the rules are...interesting. They seem to be trying to rule out certain things, but dont want to outright say those things aren't allowed, so instead they made the rules more complicated to try and make it difficult to do those things. Like buying a ton of healing potions, using awaken, using simulcrum, etc.
Giving everyone a chance at the adventures magic item is a cool idea, but messes with immersion and makes it feel more like hired thugs who get paid by the hour rather than brave adventurers. The lack of gold does a similar thing, and hurts several builds that need gold to function properly.
There is a discrepancy in there, where it says all ypu need is the players handbook, an adventure, and players to play. The problem is a bunch of qiestions are answered by saying to look up in the DMG, or XGTE. That is not just the player's handbook that is needed then. This makes the barrier to entry higher, and makes it more confusing for players who aren't already used to D&D5e, and I thought ease of use was one of the big points.
I couldn't for the life of me find the DMquests either after the backlash that rose around them releasing it last minute with such miniscule rewards. So not only are many of these changes jarring for players and making things overcomplicated, they're also incomplete.