Okay I only just downloaded and skimmed through this - I'll try and get round to reading the sucker properly and edit my review as needed at a later date.
This product is awesome. I'll confess my expectations were pretty low - not sure why but I just didn't expect much from a supers supplement focusing on an organisation. But after just skimming a couple of pages the proffesionalism of the product is already shining - the layout is clean and crisp. A pleasure to look at AND to read. The art is suitably in theme and very nice, there are a number of useful sidebars containing handy information and from the little bits I did pick up this is clearly a very well developed and thoroughly interesting organisation complete with an interesting history and a lot to offer. I'm really looking forward to digging in and reading up on all the juicy details.
The stats for characters use the powers from necessary evil - which is awesome for me as I already own it and am presently running it so having some extra cool stuff to throw at my players is a definite bonus. If you don't own it I guess it wouldn't be too hard to deduce most of what is needed but you'd probably be better off picking up the necessary evil players guide and even though it is pretty cheap it might add a bit of extra cost to this product for some people which I can understand being a little annoying. <br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: This is one meaty product. I guess if it were a physical book it might have been laid out differently to reduce the page count or something but there is wealth of information in here, about the company, about the people, departments, operations, locations, equipment etc etc and where needed stats for such things. The only thing I didn't spot was an appendix which might have been a nice addition to summarise some of these things into a convenient reference. But yeah more than once I thought I was getting near the end of the pdf (paying no attention to page numbers) only to start another section. <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>