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T2000 v2 The Pacific Northwest
Publisher: Game Designers' Workshop (GDW)
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/01/2021 13:06:04

Fantastic job on integrating T2000 canon into the sourcebook, and a wonderful depiction of post-apocalyptic PacNW. I grew up in Oregon, so this is near and dear to me. Very likely our longstanding Twilight 2000 campaign will visit the NW before wrapping up.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
T2000 v2 The Pacific Northwest
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Wilderlands of High Fantasy, Color Maps
Publisher: Bat in the Attic Games
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/13/2019 11:14:26

The maps are gorgeous, and a bargain. Very gameable!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wilderlands of High Fantasy, Color Maps
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Wilderlands of High Fantasy, Revised Guidebook
Publisher: Bat in the Attic Games
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/13/2019 10:59:31

A worthy successor to the original Judges Guild Wilderlands. The maps are beautiful.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wilderlands of High Fantasy, Revised Guidebook
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SDB Custos-Class LRP Ship
Publisher: Mongoose
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/29/2018 13:28:28

A complete System Defense Boat, ready to drop into your campaign. Fully-detailed, the best part of this set are the deckplans. These are a must if you suddenly find that your players took a right turn and choose to explore an SDB they encountered.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
SDB Custos-Class LRP Ship
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T2000 v1 Korean Peninsula Sourcebook
Publisher: Game Designers' Workshop (GDW)
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/04/2018 22:19:40

Excellent work. Really captures the tone of the old GDW releases. Love the cover art by Stephanie McAlea. The history runs 1996-2000, and has that just-the-facts-ma'am recounting of the global trainwreck that spread to the Korean Peninsula. Would love to have a print edition.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
T2000 v1 Korean Peninsula Sourcebook
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T2000 v2 East Africa Sourcebook
Publisher: Game Designers' Workshop (GDW)
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/09/2017 14:04:32

Loaded with material. It's a unique setting, with lots of archaic military gear you wouldn't find in other theaters. If you're tired of running a Poland or America campaign for the 12th time, try Kenya instead.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
T2000 v2  East Africa Sourcebook
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MPS Complura-Class Hospital Ship
Publisher: Mongoose
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/01/2017 17:35:42

Demonstrating the versatility of the Complura-Class MPS (Multi Purpose Ship), the Hospital Ship variant can handle minor crises upon arrival in system. It is equivalent to a metropolitan 21st-century hospital in scope, but mobile and Jump-capable as well.

It's always the minor details that catch my attention. I particularly enjoyed the section on laboratory equipment. The d66 table of nasty diseases has dozens of ailments to afflict your players and NPCs.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MPS Complura-Class Hospital Ship
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MPS Complura-Class Passenger Liner
Publisher: Mongoose
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/23/2017 14:29:18

Travellers travel, and typically book passage on a scheduled route like anybody else. If it's going to be a passenger liner, instead of waving your hand and saying "And you arrive at Praxis IV," they can have adventures enroute. The Complura-Class Passenger Liner is perfect for that scenario.

The deckplans are extensive and keyed, no matter where the characters wander. I enjoyed the booklet's Exotic Dish d66 table, which serves up delights like Scrambled maharedi eggs, Living sting beetle maggots, and Thin slices of crispy fried nijima sausage.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MPS Complura-Class Passenger Liner
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Space 1889 - The Complete Canal Priests Of Mars
Publisher: Ulisses Spiele
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/12/2016 13:54:13

I purchased Complete Canal Priests Of Mars after reading the original GDW version. The "Complete" version you can think of as a Director's cut edition. Not only is there more encounters and background, there are many more excellent illustrations and player handouts compared with the original edition.

Whether complete or original, the adventure is well-written with a bit of mystery, and an appointment with fate. The adventure has a plot, which brings up the familiar problem of keeping the characters on track, while still allowing for player agency. The author handles this well I think, with each encounter written to answer for several different outcomes based on player success and choices.

Knowledge of the British Victorian "atmosphere" of Space 1889 is one of my weak areas, and always made me reluctant to try the game. However, Canal Priests Of Mars, in particular the Complete edition, seems almost written to help that particular weakness of mine, chock-full of rich detail of the time period.

I would suggest this as the #2 book you buy after the Space 1889 core book. Excellent.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Space 1889 - The Complete Canal Priests Of Mars
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Planet Creation Sheet
Publisher: Nienhaus Games
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/04/2016 15:56:52

Nice, clean sheet that will appeal to a Traveller referee. This PDF is well-formatted, with easy to use dropdowns.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Planet Creation Sheet
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Perfugia-Class Space Station
Publisher: Nienhaus Games
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/29/2015 21:01:46

Full disclosure: I was the proofreader for the document portion of this product. That said, I only saw a small glimpse in preproduction, and am truly impressed by the complete product. The document itself is only a minor portion of this gaming aid.

The maps - and there are literally dozens of files - cover every square centimeter of a large space station. If your players need to meet a contact in one of the cafeterias, covertly find & search an apartment in Sector H3, or speak to the head of Security in his office... you have a map for that.

I particularly enjoyed the d66 tables of prominent features, souvenirs, exotic dishes, and exotic drinks which allow the referee to effortlessly add local color on the fly.

You want to let your players roam at will, and the Perfugia-Class Space Station lets you do just that with ease.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Perfugia-Class Space Station
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Creator Reply:
I was notified by a buyer that he experienced some problems when it came to downloading the files. The \"Select Next 10\" along with \"Download Selected\" was broken, which can make downloading the 114 files (yes, there are that many files) tedious. I have contacted DriveThruRPG technical support about this and hope that the matter will be resolved soon.
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