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Elaydren’s Magewright Primer
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Brother D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/16/2019 17:43:50

"You or a willing creature you touch is physically transformed to align with a gender identity of their choice; this can make the target more masculine, feminine, androgynous, or a resemble a gender ideal not related to the Galifaran binary. This spell can grant functional reproductive organs if the target desires. Otherwise, the target remains recognizable as themself; this spell does not change age or race, and grants no mechanical benefit. "

I'll take my eberron without promotion of mental illness and without cultural marxism.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Elaydren’s Magewright Primer
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The Grand Library
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Brother D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/15/2019 11:30:44

This was awesome! I will definitely use a bunch of these.

I love books with effects!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Grand Library
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Off the Rails: A 5e Pulp Fantasy One Sheet
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Brother D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/14/2019 00:56:01

Airships and eberron is one of the things that originally drew me to D&D and the junction of train robebry tropes, and airship pirates to me is just awesome. When I found this I was just looking for anything and everything airship pirate related I could find when I first got on dmsguild. As I read through it I thought "haha this is almost exactly what I was going to write" .. so I just ran this. I love it! If you need lots of props and specifics to run a one-shot then obviously a one-sheet front and back document might be a little light for you. But for an obsessive fantasy and sci fi reader pulling a working adventure from this was so easy it is partially what made me keep DM'ing, by showing me how easy it can actually be!

More Airship Pirates!!!

Theres never enough Airship Pirates!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Off the Rails: A 5e Pulp Fantasy One Sheet
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20 Pubs & Taverns
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by nipha a. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/06/2019 14:18:53

Every pub comes four plothook-ish NPC's for the environment, a backstory, and a menu, which is fun. As i started reading certain ones i had to grab a notebook and start taking notes on how i would present these hooks to my player! How can I not recommend something that literally punches my creativity button. I absolutely love this and when I downloaded it originally, I simply saw "20 Pubs and Taverns" and got it on reflex! Thinking to myself, who cares if it isnt eberron themed, I can eberron-ize anything, then realized it IS Eberron themed and the Eberron flavor is thick throughout! Highly Recommend!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
20 Pubs & Taverns
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{WH} Fortresses, Temples, & Strongholds, rules for building and customizing player-owned structures!
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by nipha a. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/06/2019 14:13:07
While I built a structure custom to my wifes single player, I mostly ignored the preset building options, but they are sound should you choose to use them. The multiple levels of upgrade and use that this document provides is becoming one of the main focuses of our play, as we do a session everyday and she is much more into d&d Sims, than D&D Hack and Slash this has put so much depth in to the game. Even without the trader and merchants supplement this is essentially an entire structured system for creating homes, strongholds, etc that make sense, run on sound mechanics, and gives plenty of options. I love the market stall option, which is a "room" you can add that houses a merchant who has wares for sale, and basically rents the shop space from you. This is awesome because it regularly gives the owner access to magical items, and other useful things. I know some people thinks this "breaks the game" ... but saying that a dragonmarked noble of high birth that is level 5 (see tiers of play in dmg) DOESNT have access to magical items, especially a cannith that belongs to guilds might not "break the game" as they see it but it breaks the suspended disbelief for anyone that isnt solely interested in hack and slash and constant travel. Beyond that, every room has some kind of useful feature or benefit, so even for DMs that run hack and slash, you can always use these room ideas while designing encounters and campaigns!!! HIGHLY SUGGEST!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
{WH} Fortresses, Temples, & Strongholds, rules for building and customizing player-owned structures!
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City and Wild
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by nipha a. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/06/2019 14:01:42
This is awesome. My wife is a single PC gamer in a world I run for her. The Guild section of this gave me the first logical format I have seen, and entire system to create an alchemist guild for her (she runs the artificer-potionsmith by kibbler) and the alchemy section finally gave me an upgrade for her character aside from "your character can craft potions" and again.. its the first logical "alchemy" format I have ever seen!! I dont have much use for the alternate humans because she is dragonmarked already, and the "wild" section is not something I have read yet, but the city aspect of this document alone solved some of my biggest problems!! Its very well written and I 100% recommend!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
City and Wild
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Nerzugal's Dungeon Master Toolkit 2
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by nipha a. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/06/2019 13:57:56

Wow... the puzzles opened my eyes to totally new ways to complicate my wifes one player game. And items like "Bouqet of Woe" are genius for her character, who is a potionsmith assassin of house cannith in an alternate eberron where dragon shards no longer exist and have been replaced with alchemical copies of khyber shards, which also makes the item "elemental shard" AWESOME and opens so many options for her cannith stronghold forge. VERY WELL WRITTEN AND PRESENTED. 100% recommend.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Nerzugal's Dungeon Master Toolkit 2
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