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zzz-Lejendary Adventure Fish for Breakfast

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zzz-Lejendary Adventure Fish for Breakfast
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zzz-Lejendary Adventure Fish for Breakfast
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by John A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/24/2007 21:28:05

Good: -This is an excellent introductory adventure for beginning avatars. -It provides a detailed local setting that is Lejendary Earth Specific, yet easily adaptable to any other generic fantasy world. -When a specific rule or "beast" is meantioned, both the particular book and page number are given for handy reference. -The five location/sections of the adventure are given in a short summary as well as in their own detailed sections. -Each encounter includes very informative background material as well as a number of possible reactions/attack options for the non-avatar characters. -And the adventure offers a number of neat "atmospherics" like local villiagers, area history, local sayings, maps and songs.

Bad: No real criticisms. This adventure is well done and quite playable. It would be neat if this was just one of like a trio of adventures.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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