I like funny hyjinx being added to the game. Unfortunately, it's not a good fit for the game play that my rable and I like.
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Robert, this was meant to be a comedy piece for READING ONLY. It's clearly stated in the sales description and in the instructions, it's not actually meant to be used in games.
I hope you'll reconsider your 4-star rating unless you're rating it sub 5-star because you don't like the jokes the community contributed.
ThanX nevertheless Robert. I appreciate the review...
Rob |
Leave it to Rob to find ways to streamline D&D on FG! Love it!
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Absolutely great for a quick pickup game. No need to waste time creating characters!
Creator Reply: |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend.
Creator Reply: |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend.
Creator Reply: |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend.
Creator Reply: |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend.
Creator Reply: |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend.
Creator Reply: |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend.
Creator Reply: |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend. Make sure you drop the Potion of Healing (and/or other common use potions) onto the player's action tab from the beginning to save time. Or, make a NPC and their sole focus is to have effects like thisat the ready and then you drop them on the players when used.
Creator Reply: |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend.
Creator Reply: |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend. Make sure you double check the settings for the spells before you jump into combat. e.g. verify that the DC and Atk mods are correct. Once it's right, its good. Don't assume that it is perfect out the gate.
Creator Reply: |
All the codes ARE correct, but FG sometimes doesn't apply the correct parameters when you first apply the code to the sheet, but opening and closing (the magnifying glass) usually corrects that. It's a function of the FG software itself, not the coding I provide, there's nothing to be done. BELIEVE ME! I researched that. Ha!
ThanX Robert! |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend.
Creator Reply: |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend.
Creator Reply: |
OMG, effects coding, MAJOR help to the game! These are great for novice and experienced players! Recommend, recommend, recommend.
Creator Reply: |