This game is nuts and I am loving it. It should fit perfectly with the zany antics my gaming group tends to gravitate towards. The charts alone are nuts (if you have ever read it, think the charts in the Human Occupied Landfill supplement, "Butter Wholesomeness" but with less emphasis on "edgy" 90s grossout humour).
If you are looking for a truly ridiculous game that is primarily made up on the fly by rolling on numerous different charts for every applicable situation, this is the game for you. It is not something that you or your group will likely take overly seriously...and that's OK! Not every game is going to go into deep politics, heavy emotions, or life and death combat. The rules are very loose and largely exist just to resolve conflicts and move the plot along. If a player wants to do something, its up to them to ask the GM and see if their PC could do it. It will rely HEAVILY on the players just getting into its bizarre world and running with whatever crazy gets thrown their way. Its going to require the GM to be pretty on their toes, but that can also (in my experience at least) be a very freeing experience. You'll probably not get a very long campaign out of it, but as far as ways to spend a Saturday afternoon with friends, pizza, chips, soda, and beer go, it shouldn't disappoint, and might be a good way to take a break from a more emotionally heavy game of something like "Blades in the Dark", "Unknown Armies", or "Call of Cthulhu".
In terms of absurdity, I'd put this solidly up beside stuff like "Tales from the Floating Vagabond" and " Spaaace". Its worth getting the book just to read, because I've had a good day chuckling at all the random insanity inside (in what other RPG can you generate a character named Wana University who has a television for a head, purple hair (?), and is also a Kamen Rider?).
Setting-wise, the book actually does a great job of throwing a HUGE toolkit of NPCs, locations, factions, and events into the GM's lap to play around with. Also there's a chart to generate over 1200 variations of the author's name. I'm not entirely sure why, but the book also contains a randomized pun generator, so that's just the sort of experience you're in for. Still, it gives you everything you need to bring the eponymous Kagegami High to life and generate a wonderfully nutty world for the players to immerse themselves into.