Selected this as my very first GM one-shot. Had a party of 6 PCs of lvl 3, so I decided to add few bits here and there - namely a trap on the tavern level in the hallway to the tunnels. The party managed to get through and kill Baron without a short rest, although I do not think I should've put in more monsters than I did - they just rolled really well and Baron was unable to hit anyone in 3 rounds of combat while suffering 2 crits from ranger. Just one of those days ;)
After checking the amount of silver available to feed the Xorn, they decided to long rest and dispatch the Xorn so he does not go terrorize the village (I have indicated before that he can break through the cage). They actually managed to kill the Xorn (again, rolling shitty with Bane on Xorn) but lost one PC in the process.
Now I have 5 man party, 6th coming in as reinforcements, the barbarian is actually now cursed with Lycanthropy and I am wondering what quest will they take on. Either continue to pursue the main quest they have been sent on by their adventurer's giuld, or investigate who was Baron working for and why.
I can already see this adventure would be great one-session hook for Curse of Strahd.