It seems that adventures for d20 Modern tend to be of the investigation and supernatural genres. It is not like there are many adventures being written for d20 Modern either. So, it makes me wonder if this is the way most people are using d20 Modern or if these are the only modules for the game that really sell. Either way it is good for me since these are the type of adventures I prefer. It is just one of those odd observations I have made on the game. Whisper of Horse is like so many others, a supernatural mystery adventure for d20 Modern, but that is not a bad thing.
Whisper of Horses is a new d20 Modern adventure by Alea Publishing Group. Alea is better known for their PDFs that deal with knights and honor. This is their first non fantasy book. The sixty-five page PDF in color and very well book marked. The zip is a bit over seven megs and contains the PDF as well as two sound files, two picture files, and two film files for some audio and video support to enhance the module.
Whisper of Horses seems to be the first adventure to be designed to be run from a laptop at the gaming table. The adventure can be printed out and run the usually way but this has a few specific options that make it better when run from a computer. The movies files and sound files are designed to be played at appropriate points in the adventure. They are not needed but really do a nice job of adding something to the adventure. The quality of these is not great but it is good enough. I really hope to see more companies start to do more of this in the future as it is a really cool and different idea.
The adventure does a nice job of bringing in characters from anywhere in the United States. Characters can probably be brought in from around the world as well but it might be harder. The characters do not need to know each other for it to work either. The characters basically win a price, get transported to New York City for a few days and then off the south west for a horse race. Of course there is a nice mystery of sick horses, veterinarians disappearing and old Indian legends the players will soon run into. Also, they will learn that they were specifically picked to win the price to come out here and investigate things.
The adventure is site based. The characters have plenty of choices of places to go and gather clues and run into a lot of fairly interesting characters. The reasons for these particular characters being brought in are also a nice little twist the players might not expect. The adventure is designed for third level characters and does involve some good investigation skills. There are many handouts to give the characters, some great layout of buildings they will explore, and of course the computer sound and video files. This module has the most variety in props for a game I have seen.
The module seems like a fun game and should be easy to use in most d20 Modern games. The module does not assume lots of magic but it does have some little magical charms. The book also presents insanity rules as an option to further make the game a little more horror oriented.
Reading through it makes me want to run the module. It seems to work for either a one shot or in a campaign. It is one that I would pick up again after knowing what it is and how the module reads. Alea Publishing has done a nice job with the adventure and I hope to see more like this from them.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>