For $1, what can you expect? In this case, 5 feats that make characters really, really good with skills. The feats are verbose; even at the same size, they could fit onto a single (pictureless) page with some editing. Still, there's nothing wrong with them per se, and they o accomplish what they set out to do.
The PDF recommends giving these feats only to NPCs, but in the spirit of fairness I plan to offer them (with whatever modifications I may make) to my players as well. Any character spending 6 feats (these 5 plus Skill Focus) would get a 56 by Taking 20 before ability modification. In addition, various special abilities to get even better are possible with the higher feats.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>