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[Mutants and Masterminds]The Super Villain Handbook Deluxe Edition Conversion Pack $3.00
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[Mutants and Masterminds]The Super Villain Handbook Deluxe Edition Conversion Pack
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[Mutants and Masterminds]The Super Villain Handbook Deluxe Edition Conversion Pack
Publisher: Fainting Goat Games
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/05/2017 21:05:48

I genuinely hate to post this in some ways, as I consider the Super Villain Handbook Deluxe Edition itself a great piece of work. Unfortunately, I can't feel the same about the M&M conversion pack.

The problem is that either Jason Tondro doesn't have a really good grasp of the system, or he wasn't paying attention to his own characterization of some of the characters when he did the conversion; perhaps he assumed some things you can get by with in Icons would also work in M&M.

They don't.

Before anyone takes issue with what I'm about to say, I know that not all supervillains need to be evenly set at PL; some are behind the scene masterminds, or are set up so a combat against them isn't really supposed to be at all balanced to their benefit. The particular characters I am about to discuss are indicated as not being like this, however. And as the numbers in the M&M conversion go, some of them would be hard pressed to survive more than a round or two against even a single superhero of the power one would think they're intended to go up against.

A couple of standout examples:

Muezzin is set up so he's got an ability that lets him blend into crowds, but the text at the start of his entry indicates that he should be able to "hold his own against most hero groups." The problem with this is that while he's got a perfectly reasonable offensive capability (a rank 12 area damage power in addition to a rank 12 single target one and a a similar powered Affliction, both with an attack value of +10), his defensive abilities are nearly nonexistant; he's got a Dodge and Parry of 8 and a Toughness of +3. That not only won't stop any even halfway serious super, it won't even reliably fend off a couple of cops or two. If he was entirely a stealth attacker, that might be workable, but after a single attack his presence will be revealed and he has no good way to go to ground again.

A similar problem occurs with Cardinal Sin. Though Sin is supposed to mostly be a behind-the-scenes type, the first sentence of his entry mentions that though he throws minions at them first, he should be able to hold his own against a group of PL 10 heroes. Yet he has a Dodge and Parry of 6 and a Toughness of +4. He doesn't even have Muezzin's area effect to try and hope he can flatten his opposition quick.

Frankly, I'd be astonished if either of these characters lasted a single round once combat began with a set of PL 10 opponents.

While these are particularly unfortunate cases, they aren't the only cases of characters who really aren't built to be able to serve the functions they avowedly should serve. It seems like it was assumed in the Foreman's write-up that a hero group will contain no one who uses energy attacks, as while he's quite resistant to physical attacks, an energy attacker could put him down relatively easily. Yes he's supposed to be a character that challenges characters to have to find another way of defeating him, where one energy controller or mystic will make that moot.

To be clear, not every conversion suffers from these problems. For his PL, the Raptor is not badly designed (though a bit under-offensed) and Montana seems capable of holding her own. But enough of the characters are seriously underdefended that I suspect most users will simply need to rewrite them to be functional--and if you're going to do that, you might as well do the conversion yourself from the Icons book.

As I said, the best I can assume is that Mr.Tondro doesn't thoroughly have a feel for how combat situations in M&M work, and has carried over assumptions from Icon that just don't port over properly.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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