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Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2013 16:04:46

The deeper, darker depths of human psychology and craving can be found in this book. The ghoul is a subtle metaphor for the voracious side of humanity that is hidden, but still as much a part of it as the positive one is. A highly reliable supplement for beginnings, who need only purchase the Requiem, a covenant book and one of the clan books to form a solid foundation. Take care to read the proverbs and quotes. They tap into the most profound beliefs and feelings of human beings, using the most inventive of people from this world.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: White Wolf
by Jack E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2013 15:25:53

I was sucked in by the prologue: the story is simple, it's a day in the life of a ghoul named Ward, told through a series of time stamped entries.

I found the book describe ghouls in an unsettling human way, but the book also hammered home the point that ghouls are ghouls first, humans second. I found it oddly enlightening. I hope to capture the sort of feeling this book captured in its prologue in future games I run with ghouls. I think that's a good testament to this book's standard. I found the systems in the books interesting, especially in regards to ghoul families. It's very detailed and thought-provoking throughout.

Finally I like the overall quality and usefulness of the book. I like this book enough it's one of the few books I feel bothered to write a review about.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: White Wolf
by Daniel D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/16/2011 13:26:49

There are too many WoD books, and I've found that my large collection has winnowed down to just a few books that I use again and again. Ghouls is one of them. The book offers rules for creating your own ghouls, discussions of "plant" ghouls (Mandragora), what it's like to be a ghoul, and my personal favorite addition: Ghoul families. This is worth the price of admission alone, as it gives you everything you need to create hereditary servants, unique lineages, and creepy little girls who belong to creepy little families.

Books on ghouls are usually the best of the vampire line, and this book is no exception. You'll thank yourself for buying it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: White Wolf
by Scott M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2010 09:12:27

Heady stuff and surprisingly horrific - the book pulls very few punches when it comes to emphasizing just how dark the life of a ghoul can really be. As this is a source book for a RPG of gothic horror, the relative hopelessness and degradation is suited to the topic, but the book does not necessarily lend itself to an especially inviting setting, although efforts are made to suggest ways in whch ghouls (as characters mixed in with Vampires and/or other supernatural and/or 'standard' humans) may be made playable, the somewhat depraved existence may not be to everyone's taste. It is, however, bang-on for what it tries to do and accomplishes all of its objectives with admirable skill.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: White Wolf
by Christopher P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/13/2009 23:42:30

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