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Masterwork Maps: Chasbin Keep
$9.95 $4.95
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Masterwork Maps: Chasbin Keep
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Masterwork Maps: Chasbin Keep
Publisher: Darkfuries Publishing
by Singh K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2012 19:13:04

Another fine Darkfuries product, this is well drawn, extensive floorplans, good descriptions.

It falls short, however, in not offering full-size maps of the entire structure in both a GM and a Player version. This hurts the product because it's such a large castle. It wouldn't hurt to also include a drawing from the outside, to 'set the mood'. It's annoying to only be able to print out half a map at a time.

Still, as usual, lots of bang-for-buck at $5. Recommended.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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