Modern Dispatch #83 ? Dramatis Personae: Roaring 20?s by RPGObjects is a 7 page PDF that acts as a character folio to their other release Timeline: Roaring 20?s. As a companion piece to the product Timeline: Roaring 20?s, I would suggest that people who possess the Timeline supplement will most likely be the target audience of this supplement as three of the historical npcs included use advanced classes from that previous supplement.
This supplement details the following historical NPCs.
Frank ?Dasher? Abbandando ? a member of the Murder Inc., Mafia hit squad. He is designed as a Fast Hero 4/Hit Man 7.
Al ?Scarface? Capone ? mob boss and antagonist to the Untouchables. He is designed as a Charismatic Hero 3/Tough Hero 3/Mob Boss 10.
Edgar Cayce ? famous psychic and studier of scripture. He is designed as a Dedicated Hero 5. Since the Timeline series is a historical supplement line Cayce?s psychic powers are handled through the Prophecy skill detailed later in the issue of the dispatch instead of really on FX to accomplish psychic abilities.
Jack Demsey ? professional boxer aka the ?Manassa Mauler?. He is designed as a Strong Hero 5/Tough Hero 7.
Charles Lindbergh ? adventurer and celebrity. He is designed as a Fast Hero 3/Smart Hero.
H.L. Mencken ? writer and reporter of the Scopes Monkey trial. He is designed as a Charismatic Hero 3/Intrepid Reporter 3).
Eliot Ness ? treasury agent and leader of the Untouchables. He is designed as a Dedicated Hero 3/G-man 10.
Nikolai Tesla ? inverter of alternating current/crackpot scientist. He is designed as a Smart Hero 10.
Beyond the basic statistics each character sports a paragraph of background and more importantly an adventurer hook for each of the historical NPCs. The last two pages of this product focus on some options (feats, skill) required by some of the NPCs that were first printed in Blood and Relics ? well at least some of them.
The feats Astrology, Scriptural Interpretation and Second Sight all relate to the Prophecy skill used by Edgar Case. Others like Numerology and Palm Reading also relate to the Prophecy skill, though no historical npc present actually possesses these feats. The feats Comviction and Faith?s Protection are completely out of place in this product and reference allegiances to Dark Powers and Sacred Rituals ? since there is reference of this in any other portion of the work the two feats feel a bit like filler.
The last page of the product focuses on the Prophecy skill used by Edgar Case to forecast future events from 24 hours to more than 5 days into the future.
The editing is strong and the layout is generally clean though if the picture was dropped off the front page and the white space on p.6 was removed and the two filler feats dropped it may have been possible to sneak another character or two into this product like Earle Nelson or J. Edgar Hoover.
Still this supplement is an essential companion to people owning Timeline: Roaring 20?s and an excellent character folio for d20 Modern (though you will need to fudge some of the class abilities and feats).<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Essentially addition to Timeline: Roaring 20's
Nice range of famous NPCs covered
Strong editor and rules adherence<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: It felt like there was some filler and wasted space that could have been used for 1 or 2 more 1920's personalities.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>