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High Guard: Aslan
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High Guard: Aslan
Publisher: Mongoose
by peter b. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/30/2017 15:04:36

In short, this the aslan ships from Alien Module 1: Aslan, updated to the 2nd edition shipbuilding rules.

on its own, its a collection of intresting ships that offer alternatives to the imperial standard ships in the main rule book. there is a slight mis-match in types, as the two cultures have different needs and ideas, which is a nice touch, and they should fit right into any campgain that takes place in or around Aslan space (which includes the Spinward Marches)

for those looking at a better understanding of Aslan and the mindset of the race that created these ships, i would recommend the 1st edition Alien Module, as this is almost entirely a rules update, with only small amout of flavour or setting info. for those that already have that book and want to use 2nd edition, this book is a fiarly cheap update that ports the ships into the new rules.

i found the 3-d deckplanes slightly confusing and not properly labeled, as almost none of the rooms are actaully labeled, but only coloured and given the standard isometric room funiture (with no map lengend to explian what they are), which makes things like staterooms easy to work out, but its often harder to work, for example, which sort of engine is in a given room. the whole situation is not helped by a change of room colours form the core rules

However the B/W 2d deckplans are much improved over the 3D one, and also over the 2D ones in AM:1, with a clear, unambiguous labeling system that removed the confusion i had with the 3d plans.

In summary, this is mainly a rules update of existing ships to bring them into line with 2ed ship rules. It contians new, frankly better deckplans, a few hints about the crew and such, and not much else. At the time of writing, it cost $6.75 for this book on sale, with a full price of $9, which isnt beyond reason, considering the writer/artist time needed to rewrite 15 ships, and draw up 30-odd deckplans.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
High Guard: Aslan
Publisher: Mongoose
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/26/2017 15:27:55

MgT's High Guard: Aslan adds more flexiability to the High Guard construction process for the gearhead that likes more diversity in ships that can be designed.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
High Guard: Aslan
Publisher: Mongoose
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/12/2017 10:21:34

A new edition revamp of the Aslan (Book1) ships from MGT, now with added 2-D deckplans (alas, not in color, but with some helpful furniture and machinery). PROS: Solid color art and stats in the new Traveller format, interesting axonometric plan drawings, some supporting info.

CONS: Didn't have 2-D plans initially, when I purchased the supplement (But thanks for adding them....), the 2-D plans are also not in color-but are superior to the B/W plans in the original MGT Book1 Aslan supplement. Little new information on Aslan naval command structure or clan tactics was provided (cf. Fighting Ships)-one hopes this may appear in the forthcoming Pirates of Drinax mega-adventure in support of the Prodigal Outcast or Finale chapters.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
High Guard: Aslan
Publisher: Mongoose
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/24/2016 11:38:06

This resource supplies Aslan-specific information to supplement and enhance material in the core High Guard book. The Introduction comments that technologically Alsan ships are pretty much like those used by humans (unsurprising given similar size and physiological requirements), but there are of course differences based on culture. In keeping with Aslan traditions, pilots are usually male (and in nominal command) whilst astrogators and engineers are usually female. Control systems also display a gender divide: those used by males are simplistic and show only basic and important information, those for females are complex, often bewilderingly so. Ships are highly decorated, even military ones, and all carry a Shrine to Heroes when crew members can meditate and draw inner strength. A common way of passing the time in space is the telling of stories, a communal event attended by passengers and off-duty crew alike.

After this overview, the remainder of the book contains extensive details of a number of different Aslan vessels. Each comes with full statistics, some background notes, isometric plans and sketches of the exterior (colourful, of course, it is the Aslan way).

Giving some insights into Aslan life in the black, this book presents some fifteen novel vessels, each quite ideosyncratic and definitely Aslan in style to enhance your spaceways. Of particular use if you have Aslan in the party or are venturing into the Hierate, the Aslan get everywhere so one of these colourful vessels may show up wherever the party might happen to be. Hopefully they are in a friendly mood...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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