Absolutely the best solo game I have purchased in 10 years. Randomness of scenario setup and game play promises endless playability. Love the setup of each scenario with the random roll tables on one page and map on another. Perfect setup for a ring binder. I have played 4 scenarios at this point and everyone has been a challenge. Really hope we see more scenarios in the future.
As a long time fan of Shootin Iron, I grabbed 3D as soon as I saw it posted. Another great game that will be at the top of my play list. Simple rules but tactically sound game system that is fun to play and has wide potential for expansion. Love the way encounters are structured. Really enjoy the addition of henchmen because the first question I had was Fighter, Archer, and Wizard but where was the Thief? With henchmen I have my thief and can tailor my group to fit the needs of the encounter they are undertaking. Beastiary is well done and provides a very good selection of the traditional foes you might meet. The special monster abilities give room for tailoring foes to meet the needs of your own encounters.
Really hope there are more suplements in the works!!! Now off to play some more and look at generating a few of my own encounters.
Great Mech alternative to the larger, more complex sytems out there. Have been playing scenarios on a Heroscape board. 3d terrain works well with my old Battletech and Mechwarrior miniatures. Only thing missing is a system for designing your own mechs. Hopefully this will be rectified in a future suppliment.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review Michael! I've got a supplement in the works that should make you very happy.I'll bump it up the to do list. |
Great game that really gets your creative juices flowing. Works very well in both group and solo play in either one-shot episodes or longer campaigns. Simple, streamlines rules leave room for a wide range of tinkering to include addtion of other available generic space opera product rules. This is all wrapped up in one of the most gorgeous rulebook presentations I have ever seem. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK.
GREAT competative miniatures game that also works very well for solo gaming. Rulebook is lavishly illustrated with art that extrudes the feel of "The Running Game" and similar movies. Editorials and Setting Articles give a solid understanding of the game's premise and the rationale for game rules implementation. Really like the straight-forward rules for creating your own Hunters and the wide range of options for making them yours. Card-based Crims activtion is very straight-forward and rules are fully explained and examples are provided for all critical game activities. Have already dugout my old Necromunda terrain and miniatures and have started design of a modular 3ftx3ft playing board.
Please keep this line moving forward. Really looking forward to expansions.
Only one question: When can we see printed versions for rules, and more importantly, card sets. Eagerly awaiting with $$ in hand to purchace both.
Creator Reply: |
I'm extremely happy you like the game... and rest assured, Urban Manhunt will be fully supported, complete with an advancing timeline.
The Event Deck is already available in print format (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/248231/Urban-Manhunt--Event-Deck), but I had to revise something on the pack that contains the Control Cards and Crim Cards. They'll be available shortly as well. The hardcover version is already at the printers and I await my proof copy, so it won't be long before it's available. The softcover version is being sent to the printers tonight.
Lastly, please show off your 3x3 zone on our official Facebook group. |
GREAT Addition to the Fistful of Lead system!! As always, clearly wrotten rules with just the right amount of new rules to fully immerse the players in the pulpy retro-Scifi genre. The "Crew Traits" are are very nice addition and "Powers" make it very easy to give your scenaios the Star Wars feel. The Codex Glactica and Vehicle Instruction Manual are the icing on the cake, giving players all the options they need to generate exciting campaigns in a univere of their choosing. Keep up the great work.
BTW: When will we see a Post-apocalyptic setting complete with mutations and creatures in the vein of Gamma World?
Creator Reply: |
Finishing touches on Fistful of Lead Core rulebook (stripped down GH) then Tales of Horror. Final edits of both in progress along with ToH cards. Then Wastelands Warriors should be around the corner.
-J |
I really like what you have here. This is a great foundation for an outstanding skirmish game - very flexible with a truly "HEROIC" feel. Don't get me wrong, the base game presented here is extremely playable, BUT we need more. Really hope you do publish the additional content to discussed in your Design Notes.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the kind words.
I am already tinkering (fine tuning?) some mechanics around fighting styles, I want people to be able to reflect what their miniatures look like with a bit more accuracy.
Currently I am working on two handed style, sword and shield, and dual weapon.
Then there will be more abilities of course and a more detailed experience system.
Plus anything else that creeps into my head!
Please do feel free to create an account on The Wargames Website and join in the conversations there about the rules and see what other people are doing.
Great game!!! Unique, but familiar, approach to a d20- variant system. Impressed with the wide variety of gear; particularly armor/weapons and the ability to specialize their functionality. Character generation takes less that two minutes and before you know it you are in the thick of battle. The combat system uses a straightforward attribute comparision approach with a fun die rolling mechanizm (multiple dice roll taking highest die instead of total and in certain situations exploding dice) Eagerly looking forward to the final product. Definitely on my BUY list.
Absolutely sectacular game. Great translation of basic Black Hack rules to a fun and gritty Sci-Fi setting in the vein of Aliens and other bug-hunting genres. Hope we see more for this system: more creatures, equipment, scenarios, and campaign setting ideas. System is ripe for expansion.
Very interesting game system and setting. Surprised to see D8 use rather than the more comom D6 or D10, but it works. Short skill list (16 skills sread equally across the character's four base attritbutes) but they cover all the basic essentials needed to function in a post-apocalyptic setting. The dot-dirven character creation (similar to White Wolf games) was a breeze and gives a lot of flexibility. Really like the approach taken with character advancement, it provides players with the ability to advance their character based on its actions during play rather than simply gathering XP to reach the next level. The provided setting gives just enough detail to get your mind going and allows both the GM and his players to coopratively shape their game as they see fit. For $7 you cannot not download this game! Truely hope that this author will continue development of this setting.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you very much for posting this! I hope you are enjoying your adventures in the wastes!
Have a great day!
G |
GREAT EFFORT. Love the Noir feel and the weidness aspect. Unique addaptation of the FATE Accelerated Approaches rules that ACTUALLY WORKS!! This setting is wide open for expansion. Personally already looking at b ringing in some concepts from Venture City to expand the super feel of the game. Hope you continue to expand this setting.
Great game wide open to future additions. Love the card based encounter system. Gives the players a wide range of options regarding execution of encounters with your enemies. Thought about only giving a 4-star rating due to the heavy ink cost of printing out the rules. Will award you 5 Hounor if you add a print-friendly version of the rules to this download. Eargerly looking at where you take this system. Particularly interested in potential application to urban gang war scenarions.
The author's evolution of this skirmish system from Alien Worlds to LaserBlade to BattleBlade has brought a unique sophistication to the game system without sacrificing quick play and more importantly fun. System is fast from party creation to scenario play and lends itself to single-session, linked-secenario campaign play. The structure of all three games in this system allows players or run wild with house rules that tweak game play to their vision with little to no playability sacrifice.
A D10 spinoff of this company's D6 Alien Worlds game, this game caters to children and adults alike who are looking for a simple, straightforward rule set that lets you quickly enter into exciting tabletop battles with virtually any miniature figures you may own. More importantly the system is open to addition of fan-generated rules and special character abilities allowing players to easily adapt this system to other genres.
Great game for introducing young children to the mechanics of skirmish gaming. Gives children leeway to let their imaginations go wild and create the types of characters they want will no need for complex rules. Game plays smoothly and games can be completed in an hour from character/unit creation to scenario end. For those with slightly older kids (or adults looking for simple, straightforward skirmish fun with any figures they may own) I would recommend that you also look at this company's other offering "Laserblade".