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5e Arms Cards
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5e Arms Cards
Publisher: Menagerie Press
by Jareth J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2022 18:44:40

These cards are as advertised, they have the damage displayed as dice of different colors and as written values. along with all the relevent propterties and ranges within reason (i can't expect them to put the special properties of how a Net or Lance works; if i wanted five paragraphs or rules text on a playing card i'd purchase some Yu-Gi-Oh cards). The weapon images are well done, and although some weapons share the same image, with the number of weapons and unique images i'm not going to complain (i actually got a chuckle seeing that the Club and Hand Crossbow were just scaled down images of the Great Club and Light/Heavy crossbows respectively)

I only have two critisisms, one of which is major and the other is minor.

The minor critisism is that the numbers of certain cards are laughably low (which i understand, its a 52 card deck, you've got to cut some corners and honesly i'd have had a hard time picking which get duplicates and they did an alright job choosing which get duplicates and don't, there are almost 40 Simple & Martial weapons). You only get one of each polearm that you get two of is the Javelin. I have spent alot of time learning medieval history and studying these sorts of things for my games and its not even Menagerie Press's fault, its more just modern fantasy representation putting an unrealistic light on swords, but; Polearms such as spears, pikes, and halberds were all much more prevelent than swords (which commonly took a role as a backup weapon), and i feel that you could have diversified which weapons are getting the duplicate treatment; has anyone ever had two players both choose the Maul? has any movie or book had two characters with a Maul? all im saying (and once again, this is just a super minor nitpick, i love these cards.) all im saying is that a second spear or pike would have been nice.

Now, after my small rant about unrealistic depicitons of weapons in modern fantasy, you might be wondering what that Major critisism is. well don't worry, its very easy to fix and will likely make you laugh, as i did, trying to convey this in a proffessional manner; The sling is depicted as a Slingshot, which is a different weapon, you even have it marked as a two-handed weapon, which is of course true of the slingshot, but a sling is a one handed ranged weapon - go ahead check the Player's handbook, it doesn't have the Two-Handed property, you see a proper sling is a strip of leather with a pouch for a bullet (a small stone, glass, or lead ball). one strip of the leather is tied around a finger on your hand, and your thumb presses the other side of the strip to your finger, you swing it around to build up momentum and release the one side of the strip and send the bullet flying. it was a very noteable weapon in history, even the Romans used the sling (as an auxilary weapon).

In conclusion i really enjoy these cards and will likely buy a second set, somewhere in the future, so i can have some extras of the weapons that come as singles in this set. As far as my critisisms go, i wouldnt take the number of which cards we get to seriously, it's fine. the only thing i'd like changed is the misprinted Slingshot on the sling card, as that is litterally the only actual thing wrong with them, every other rule and value is nailed perfectly.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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