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5e Armor Cards
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5e Armor Cards
Publisher: Menagerie Press
by Jareth J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2022 17:53:44

As advertised, these cards are four of each base Armor (and four shields) found in the equipment section of the 5th edition Player's Handbook. These are simple in design, but good if you want to intergrate a more card game equipment system. i do like these cards.

That being said i do have a few critiques;

  • Less experianced players might not know that Light armor adds their whole dexterity, while medium adds up to 2, and heavy adds no dex bonus; which is not reflected on the cards aside from being told which class of armor the card represents. (although with that experiance this isn't really required)
  • I play with encumbrance, so i would have liked to see the weight of the items on the cards.
  • Some of the armor reuses artistic assets and i'd have liked to see some visual diversity between them; For instance, you already did an amazing job with the difference between Plate Mail, Half Plate, and a Breast Plate. especially between the Plate Mail and Breastplate where you can see the visual similarity between the two designs, as if someone just put more armor on the breastplate to complete the set. i feel that you could diferentiate the Chain shirt and the Chain Mail by the mail having longer sleeves than the shirt, or showing the pants disapearing into the bottom of the card. (it'd also be easy enough to add Rivets onto the image for Studded Leather) - This entire critisism about the art only affects me, it's just nice to see at a glance which player is wearing which armor without having to stop and read; saving mere fractions of a second, like the speed runner we all want to be.

Overall i really like these and know they will go a long way to me realizing my dream of a Diablo/Munchkin style D&D equipment system. If Menagerie Press ever makes a version 2 with these small updates, i know ill be purchasing a copy of it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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