E. N. Armoury: Flails, Maces & Morning Stars, A Complete Weapon Sourcebook by E. N. Publishing is volume 6 in the E. N. Armoury range which looks at the weapons and armor of D&D and expands upon them. This product is 36-pages long (34 pages after cover and OGL).
The book begins with an introduction to the weapons covered in the book, a short history of the development of advanced bashing weapons which is quite interesting. Then the weapons themselves are looked at in terms of game mechanics with options for the weapons ?spiked balls, multiple chains for flails, and so on? are presented along with other used for the weapons. Next are variant weapons along the same theme, presenting such weapons as the holy water sprinkler and the axe-mace. Craftsmanship options such as hardening or metal haft, which can be used for other weapons as well, and tangle-thorn chains, which are specific to flails, are provided.
The next section is fighting and feats which present tricks and tactics to use with these weapons and 11 new feats designed to maximize the effectiveness of bashing weapons along with feats that build off of trip and disarm attacks. Three prestige classes are included: the Painted Witch Doctor, a tribal leader with minor spell casting ability and ability to bind spirits and magic into magical face paints. The Shadow Lord who seeks to rule the plane of shadow and can create increasingly powerful weapons from shadow itself. Lastly, the Sonic Skald, a bard PrC that focuses on delivering sonic damage. The PrC look balanced but are very focused either by culture, plane or effect.
The product wraps up with 4 new spells, 8 new weapon qualities ?including reaching with, surprisingly, gives a weapon reach, an interesting idea? and three named weapons (one major psionic, one major magic and a major artefact). The new weapon qualities are useful additions to the pool but the named weapons are quite powerful (the artefact absurdly so) and unlikely to see much use.
A solid work and a good attempt to make these weapons more interesting resulting is the product casting a wide net. If any of the ideas discussed above catch your fancy, it may be a good purchase, but it does not have much that is required for any campaign.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>