This was a good start to the ePublishing series. Gareth's tone is conversational, and though the information is rather general in scope, it is nonetheless useful. I wasn't expecting detailed branding strategies, nor specific examples based on the author's own company, since that would be a lot more valuable than the $5 tag and giving away company strategies, so there was no dissapointment there. What we do get is a short and sweet intro to the topic of branding, and what are the elements necessary to build a brand, as well as some examples of the ideas being discussed, both from the publishing industry and from the commercial world at large (a couple more examples from within the RPG publishing industry would be welcomed, though).
Through trial and error, scouring industry forums and mailing list, and plain old asking for help, I've managed to learn a few of the elements Gareth outlines here, yet even having partial previous knowledge of the subject, having the concise theory and info in one handy reference file is of great help. Be advised, this is not a comprehensive look at branding, not by a longshot, but it wasn't intended to be. It does, however, provide enough information to either get you started on the subject, confirm what you may already know from trial-and-error experience, and give you enough leads for you to continue your search in other sources (actually, if anything, that's the one thing I would have also liked to see, a small list of sources for further reading).
I look forward to further releases in the series.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>