I had fun running this, but it went long. The party ended up getting themselves into one extremely long running fight (we were in initiative for more than 20 rounds). The assassins sniped them while they were fighting the Tanarukks and, instead of letting them go (to come back and strike again), the Zhentarim characters chased them / tried to chase them because of their secret mission. One wild shaped into an Earth Elemental and so was able to keep up (sadly, the Assassin stat block does not have cunning action, which made it harder on them). That said, the assassins were very effective at hurting the party through this chase. On the other hand, the chain devils were not. The burrowed Earth Elemental noticed them and warned the party. One of them tried approaching, encountered the animated chains, and the rest picked them off from beyond reach.
The final fight was fun, but turned pretty quickly. I had to close the front gate for it, or again half the party would have run to extreme range and sniped. The fiends came close to downing the biggest threats, but ultimately a Sharpshooter Crossbow Expert with Action Surge is a real problem if you can't take it down before its turn. I felt like giving the Staff to K'Nap was an awkward choice, too. He's so squishy and his to-hit modifiers are so low that it's not really plausible for him to try to stun a PC with it (as his tactics direct). In fact, the only reason he got to do much at all was that the PCs didn't bother with the gentle tap it took to kill him because they (accurately) recognized the other fiends as the actual threat.
One complaint: Without a Lord's Alliance character, it's hard to do the section with Bitter-root in a satisfying way. The party recognized her insanity and caster Greater Restoration, but there's just plain no way to get a handle on the whole possession angle without a Lord's Alliance character so I felt like that section was weak (and it was weird to thread an explanation for SEER to give them afterwards).
Also, as others have said, unless the party has some way to see invisibility and some reason to use it, there's a chunk of this module and its rewards that just don't happen. I don't think that's a great design choice. It'd be nice if there were some clue or something (though it wouldn't have helped my party, none of whom had See Invisibility or True Sight prepared).