I ran this for two players and with very easy work can be adjusted for a group of most any level. We loved it so much! Just a fun little side trek that still captured what I want from D&D.
The price is so so friendly for the MASSIVE amount of content here, even if you have to take it to get printed its just such a great price and a great way for any new gamer to start an affordable collection of minis.
The art is fun and stylized to be younger person friendly but still really show the details of the monster or character it's supposed to be.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much Benjamin! Glad you notice the little details, in this and all our sets I've tried to add a few little details as mentioned in the adventure- love that you picked some of them up!
I had an amazing time running this at my LGS, we even built most all of the rooms and wings of the dungeon with Dungeon Tiles and I now wish I took pictures when I was running this but it was a total blast. Thank you for this wonderful adventure.
This is really a gem of a dungeon crawl great for brand new DM's and players with a really fun "home base" town to operate from and room to just add your own stuff as well.
Not to mention the ilustrations are also colorful and fun. I got a copy print on demand so I can run this again for a new group of players in the future.
The art is fantastic as ever! thank you for the fun and inspiring work, I find myself using your mini's to inspire NPC's most of all in my games. They are wonderful.
I honestly have so much love for this game, I've recently got some fellows at my LGS where I work playing it and we've been using our Battletech Minatures. We have had a blast and I just want to say for such a fast and easy to learn game with GIANT STOMPING ROBOTS it's not perfect but it's just perfect for us. Thank you for creating this game.
If you're looking for a simple fast to learn mech game with the option for doing papercraft for the mechs, infantry and vehicles of a space frontier future of your choice you really can't go wrong picking this up for such an amazing price!
I'll keep it short and to the point. I ran this twice over the weekend and both groups loved it, I had a blast running it
Thank you for the great adventure!
MIMICS!!!! ARRRRGGGGGGH! one of the most evil sneaky monsters in D&D and in three devilish forms, treasure chest, barrel and a coffin with a prop version you can use a set dressing for years to come and then when the time is right spring upon your players its true form the evil hungry MIMIC!
For less than a slice of pizza you can get this awesome set of MIMICS!!!! Good for near any fantasy role playing game.
A village of benevolent mushroom folk or something more sinsiter? you decide when you use these very inspriring images and printable minatures for you underground, damp dungeon, dark cave themed high fantasy role playing game expirience. Need I say more?
Well you could spend 2 bucks on a soda at the gas station or even better grab a fantastic set of art work you can use over and over again for you D&D games.
This gets my full endorsement. :)
This is one of my favorite Trash Mob sets, the colors are so vibrant which I personally love, the variety is fun, there is even a few dreaded four armed fishmen, I won't try to spell suahuagin or prononce it that is. That said if you want some savage deep dwelling monsters to come from the ocean depths and terrorize your players or attack their newly aquired ship then this set is an absolute must have.
For less than a price of Magic cards you can get a fantastic set of printable minis if this were in my shop it would get the dungeon master benjamin sticker of approval.
Another fantastic product, the perfect edition to my table with some fun style and bright colors! You even get line art versions so you can color them yourself if you want, what more can you ask for in a printable mini!!
For less the a Big Mac you get two pages of minis here that you can print FOREVER. Do your self a favor and get these and any of the other sets that fit your campaign needs.
-Dungeon Master Benjamin approved
This is perfect. Just fantastic and as an LGS employee I'll be refering all of gaming customers to this set who either plan on running LMoP or buying it for the first time. :)
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much Ben, especially for that kind of ongoing support at the ground level!
One of the things we really want to achieve with this set is to help take the stress out of prepping for the first time Dungeon Master, if not get potential DM's excited about jumping into that role and the hobby.
Thanks again
Damien |
I have over the last few months bought every one of Trash Mob Minis Pdf's. They look brilliant on the table, are very colorful and bright. I've printed up a lot of them, and have them on deck for when I teach people to play D&D at my store or when I need a great looking NPC. The other thing I enjoy is how full the page is when you print these off, takes advantage of the size of the paper really well.
Keep up the awesome work its greatly appreciated.
Another awesome and inspiring product from Slyflourish. A great addition to anyone running Ruins of Grendleroot and the artwork is just fantasitc. Really really well done.
I got into this game about a year ago because it seemed really cool and after watching the author's youtube channel I was sold that this would be a great source for making some of my own modifications to how I run my D&D fifth edtion games. I was right, this book is packed full of inspiration, the art work is wonderful, the loot tables are all easily transferable to D&D fifth edition and if nothing else run this as is. Its such an easy system to get someone who is new to role playing games in.
I feel like what I have used the most is no matter what type of time, exploraton, role play or combat the group is in at a given moment I alway just go around the table and ask each player what they are doing giving them all time to shine but always keeping the game moving. The other thing is the tables for loot have been very inspiring in creating my own going forward.
The other hight points are the removal of the larger numbers only focusing on the modifers, the tips on using timers, setting a flat DC for an encounter and the inspiration that can be drawn from the setting previews in this book. Not to mention that this game system has material for a Sci fi game and Fantasy game.
In short if this becomes something that we can sell in our store I would stock this product in a Heart beat, until then I'll just continue to speak the world of it and direct players and GM's alike to grab it here on Drive Thru RPG.
Price is great, product is good. The combination here is perfect. You really get a lot of good stuff for an amazing price. I myself rarely run anything as written but the ideas, locations and adventures here are a great resource as a DM to steal from. I know one of these will be seeing use at my weekly game as my players just wrapped up a major quest and The Saquine Sacrament will be perfect.
Now the only thing, the one thing I don't like is that there is no print friendly version for the entire document. The maps are awesome and very print friendly but the rest of the document is not. However that is not enough of a negative to knock this product down at all.