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Platoon Leader: Strange New Worlds $9.95 $7.95
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Platoon Leader: Strange New Worlds
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Platoon Leader: Strange New Worlds
Publisher: Legionnaire Games
by Victor D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/27/2020 15:45:47

As well as Platoon Commander I bought these as a slice of expansion fun & then found I had the same problem as I had had with the main rules, namely the densely written and formatted rules. These rules are expansions on an already fairly chwey and complex set of rules, so it's very much a case of if you liked the main SL:PC rules you'll be pleased with these, but if (like me) you found the rules a bit much, you'll be somewhat less than delighted.

Again the rules are worth a 4 but the solid, dense text, formatting and complexity make them a 3 for me.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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