I love this set, the art is fantastic! I like the back art, the options for background, no background, and b&w. I highly recommend this set. 5/5 (with room for some small improvements)
I would like to see an option for blank base, and a thicker black outline, or grey since the art uses shadow so prominently.
This set is my favorite from Trash Mob Minis .These little Kobolds are each unique and easily capable of being player characters as well as foes. You need to snatch these guys up now!
*I would love to see some skin color layers, and maybe some obvious female options. I would also, like to request Kobolds Pack 2!
I truly enjoy the Arcane Library set, its big and expandable, prints well, and the art is unique and interesting. Thanks for sharing your creativity!
I am diggin' your art style and it's a welcome change to my collection. I rated 2/5 because the minis are not formatted in a 28-30 mm range, currently they print way to large. I have to print this set at 70% to get something close to 30mm mini size. If you should ever update your format to print correctly I will change my rating to 5/5. I love that you included enviro/prop pieces! I will be watching for more of your sets! Thanks.
Your art is fantastic!, and your paper minis have great personality and can very easily be player characters as well as NPC's. What I do not like is the format of your page, your minis print huge, and I have to go through alot of guess work to print them at a 28-30mm size, wasting my paper, ink, and time...0/5 for the format and printing ease, 5/5 for the art.
If you should improve this set, I will change my rating appropriately.
Thanks, I look forward to your future creations!
I love your art, and your paper minis have great depth and can very easily be player characters. What I dislike is the format of your page, your minis print huge, and I have to go through a bunch of guess work to get them to print at a 28-30mm size, wasting my paper, ink, and time...0/5 for the format and printing ease, 5/5 for the art.
If you should improve this set, I will change my rating appropriately.
Thanks, I look forward to your future creations!
I truly love your art style and these skeletons have depth and character, they could even be used as player characters. As far as the art style, and quality 5/5. The main problem I have is printing them out. They are formated huge, if you would print them without modification they would be 166mm each, I had to experiment with reduction of size to get them near 30mm tabletop size. Printing at 18% seems to be close to 28 or 30mm range. So once you print at 18% you could fit another 8 on the page (waste of paper real estate). As far as printing and the trial and error I had to go through 1/5. The lack of back art, the lack of the 2 stat blocks said to be included, and lack of any color options doesn't help the situation.
All in all I am excited to see more of your art and minis, please keep 'em coming! Once the page size and number of minis per page is fixed, and you add some back art, this product will be formidable.
I will change my rating if this product is improved.
I love this miniature set! You can't go wrong with Okumarts, this set offers a PDF layered format for different color clothing, it even has some bonus material. Top notch 30mm figures.
ICRPG is very approachable and manageable. I spent years wanting to run a D&D campaign, but was very overwhelmed, never felt prepared enough, and terrified of screwing up or not making it fun, ect. ICRPG changed all that, and I have successfully run a fun campaign. ICRPG helped me take the plunge and I am thankful. Runehammer has a very relatable Do It Your Way, take what you need, Inspirational, Idea infested approach to an RPG game, and its wonderous to behold once the roots start to take hold.
Buy this set! I used the Neanderthals as player characters in ICRPG: BLOOD AND SNOW (its an Ice age setting), I posted some pictures on Runehammers forums if you wanna see em in action.
5/5 without a doubt, many color layers to choose from, and you even get a big 'ole snake. If I had one wish for this set, I would wish for a couple female Neanderthals.