Great variety in this pack, And provides some classic DnD monsters! All with the charm that Trash Mobs Minis are known for.
Better watch your pockets with this set. The bandits are stand outs from this one and provide great PC's or NPCs for a theives guild.
These globual guys and gals are great. Your players will smile ear to ear when ya plop these on the battle mat uttering the words "I dont think you're ready for this jelly"
This set is great. Stand outs for me are the paladin and death knight! but the rest of the crew has great charm as well!
My favorite set from trash mob minis, this is great.
Great kit, the 2.5D is nice to give the dragons some extra prescence on the table. Pretty easy to assemble too.
Pretty Good set to pepper in with other sets to kinda fill them out.
Great set, lots of good varaitry to mix up fights and great art as always.
Great Minis, even better with the goblin pack added in! crossing my fingers for some diffrent bugbears!
These are great! My players really like the Chubby Goblin Look.