While using random tables in role-playing games and war-games is a matter of preference, and not all games allow for random shifts of power, for those who use or allow them, this is a must-have book. Game Masters will have to put in some effort to establish rules for many of the mutations/powers presented due to the system agnostic nature of the book. Despite that, most of the mutations/powers are strange characteristics designed to offer more in the way of role-playing than raw game mechanics. For example, something like Backwards Body Parts would not require any special rules to cover it, compared to Sonic Blast which would be be treated as a form of attack. Even if a group has no interest in using random mutations and superpowers as part of character-creation, Game Masters would be surprise by the number of useful lists available. For example, the supernatural attributes, Demonic Phenomena, Taboo (also great for magic curses or acts of spiritual atonement) and Telltale, can be used to enhance the eeriness of horror or surreal settings. There are a ton of ideas buried within the text and tables to mine with this book. Most of all, GMs are not obligated to use the book "as is"; if the game rules you are using already feature similar content, the rules can override the book. Or, if you don't like certain descriptions, you can change them outright. You get a fair amount of page margin to write short notes, and you also get a few blank pages at the end to make longer notes.
While the original edition, as a file, is free and is good in its own right, the Revised edition is an all around better book due to all the added content and the better layout. The enhanced layout makes it like a dictionary when looking for desired content. For example, full-page black & white images are used to visually divide each section, appearing as thin black lines when the book is closed, along with edge index markers to show you what section you are on, which appear as thick black bars when the book is closed. Like a dictionary, the Mutation Descriptions section includes the category and alphabetical listing on the top margins of each page. As great as the indexing is, you will still find some entries really useful enough to add your own sticky tabs to them.
Buyers should also be mindful that the book contains a number of mutations of a sexually-related nature that would get really awkward when used carelessly around certain players.