The follow-up adventure to Beneath the Fetid Chelimber that actually makes good on that adventure's title. It really seems like this was a single 4-hour adventure that was forcibly split into two parts, so that Parnast Under Siege would be the only 4-hour Tier 1 of the season. It's not my favorite of the season, and certainly as the successor to 5-6 it feels like a let-down, but it's not bad.
Good atmosphere and challenging puzzles. That's basically the entirety of the adventure, more or less.
Flavorful final boss with good roleplaying potential.
Hope your players like challenging puzzles!
Without a reasonable grounding in Forgotten Realms deities, some of those puzzles are more confusing and less impactful than they should be.
A combat-oriented party is likely not going to be into this one.
My Experiences:
I don't have a ton to say about this one other than puzzle-loving players will love it, and combat monsters are very possibly going to wander through, voluntarily taking damage from traps and security measures just so they can feel SOMEthing. In my two times running it, I had more than one player choose damage over puzzle-solving, for the sake of expediency. What's likely to happen is that the puzzle-oriented players are going to figure it out while everyone else checks social media on their phones.