As a guy who loves werewolves and is a fan of d20 Modern, this thing is a godsend. It covers playing werewolves as a basic race with no level adjustment, a few starting occupations to flesh out what kind of werewolf you're playing, and a basic hero class just for werewolves to help them gain more power and flexibility as they go up in level.
So many game ideas have gone through my head since I got this product that I don't know where to start. The only thing I can complain about is how limiting the use of your alternate form is. You can only shapeshift a few times a day, and that's at higher levels. You can only hold that form for a small amount of time. But, fear not! towards the end of this product is some alternate rules to make the most of you werewolf games. Such as removing the limited use of alternate form and making it into a skill check instead.
Honestly, I couldn't recommend this product enough. It's very helpful and the rules and feats provided can even be used to make really mean antagonists for your games, not just heroes. The only only down side is the fact that this line is so limited. The only other product in this line is one for vampires, which is also very good. I would've liked to see more of stuff like this. Anyway, if you want to include werewolves in an upcoming Dark Matter or Urban Arcana as playable characters, or you were just wanting to run a game based on the movie Underworld, then this is a product for you.